How Would You Assess The Effectiveness Of A Training Function In An Organization?

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How would you assess the effectiveness of a training function in an organization?

How would you assess the effectiveness of a training function in an organization?


Human Resource Management (HRM) is a distinctive approach to manage people. People make a business function efficiently and yet they cause the greatest difficulties. Especially in the new information-based economy, people, not physical assets, are now critical. But people, unlike coalmines and factories, cannot be owned. Organizations therefore must create an environment that makes the best people want to stay.

In this regard, Training and Development (T&D) can be the most important HRM function to treat people well and increase the competitive power for the organizations. Training refers to improving competencies needed today or very soon. In comparison, development refers to activities intended to improve competencies over a long period of time (Jackson & Schuler, 2003, p350-351). Training and development, although different from their focus, are of course closely related to influence the individuals and firms. In this respect lots of authors have paid more attention on this issue. Following, the papers open by a review of literature, and conduct critical review on TCL Corporation's practice compared with the literatures.

Literature review

T&D's primary, traditional roles have been to insure that the workforces are provided with the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to perform a given function well (Harrison, 1993) (Stone, 2002, p344-348) (Pinnington & Edwards, 2000, p186-190) (Price, 2001, p325).

To employees, T&D provide the means of maintaining their own competition by improving knowledge, skills and abilities (Lane & Robinson, 1995). To shareholders, T&D can be seen as foundation to meet the profit targets (Pfeffer & Veiga, 1999). Some benefits of basic skills training include increased productivity, higher quality products, reduced absenteeism, and increased commitment and job satisfaction (Washburn & Franklin, 1992).

In terms of some authors (Jackson & Schuler, 2003, p360-392) (Ivancevich & Lee, 2002, p156-184), the HR managers should conduct T&D basically in four steps: needs analysis, designing program, implement the program, and evaluation. In tandem, some experts pointed out some relevant standpoints around the four stages.

Needs analysis

The diagnosis of needs is a process of information gathering and analysis, and the many texts advocate a range of investigative techniques, such as organization analysis, operations analysis and staff analysis, for improving its effectiveness (Leat & Lovell, 1997, p143) (CSU material Topic 6). McCole, Morrow, Ponsonby and Kelly(2001, p90) stated that the decision to adopt new technology into existing processes usually could result T&D. Paton (1996, p11) put forward that training and development should be respondence to disaster stressors. Therefore, the need analysis must be conducted by the training department timely (Brinkerhoff & Gill, 1995). However in high effective training, it is carried out by the line managers.

Designing and implementing program

The literatures suggested using internal and external trainers, on-the-job training and off-the-job training approaches, good location and instruction in training and development (Jackson & Schuler, 2003, p360-393) (Ivancevich & Lee, 2002, p156-184). However, Berge, deVerneil, Berge, Davis and Smith (2002, p43) recognized that well-designed instruction did not guarantee performance, and most ...
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