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Hypnotic process involves a hypnotist and a person who agrees to be hypnotized, which is normally characterized by extreme relaxation, intense concentration, and high suggestibility. Dramatically different social setting is needed for hypnosis occurrence like the clinic, showroom, classroom, or the police station. Normally bars and clubs worked in showroom hypnosis and involves subjects whose view of great time is just to join thousands of people in a place that calls for alcohol in order to socially bound people. Where, the clinical setting hypnosis involves subjects with issues who have heard that hypnosis works in order to relieve pain or addiction overcome or a fear or other things like that. Hypnosis is also used by others for recovering repressed memories of past life or sexual abuse. It is said that some hypnotherapists and psychologist use hypnosis to find out the hidden truths from ordinary consciousness by tapping into the unconscious mind that resides these truths allegedly. Those who have been victims or witnesses of crime are also the subjects of hypnosis. These subjects are encouraged by police for undergoing hypnosis in order to help them remember details from their experience.

According to Nicholas P. Spanos, today therapeutic benefits associated with hypnosis are claimed by many of the hypnosis advocates like the benefit of an aesthetic, labor pain controlling method, dermatological conditions treatment element, and certain kinds of chronic illness relief measure. However, all the claims like these presuppose that the supporters of hypnosis are right about assuming the existence of a state of trance which involves these phenomena, and in their concept regarding just how at risk the ordinary population is to being hypnotized. Thus, it seems that subject's prior beliefs and assumptions should be critically evaluated even before they get to therapeutic claims. Hence, hypnosis is viewed highly as both the cause of and the cure for memory distortion. Many of hypnosis advocates favored this psychological therapy through different arguments like it reduces pain perception and helps treating chronic illnesses, where many of the opponents viewed and argued about the distortion of memory it creates and the false hood of memory that is recollected through hypnosis.


Hypnosis is Just a Myth and it is Unreliable

Hypnosis is highly used by for therapies and many advocates of hypnosis have supported this technique, however, there are other psychologists or therapeutics who have argued on the distortion of mind hypnosis creates. As according to Robert Allen Baker, there is nothing like hypnosis; hypnosis that is a trance liked state which makes their subject to remember the minute details of their childhood is just a myth. He claimed that individuals, who are receptive to suggestions and are fantasy prone, produce the imaginations called hypnotic memories. Baker, a retired psychological professor, presents hypnosis state from history till now and claimed that hypnosis is just the myth and subject's mind creation of imagination, nothing else. In his another book Robert A. Baker states that recalling past life, challenging spirits, and other bizarre experiences are almost reported ...
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