Impact Of Physical Environment In The Process Of Language Learning For Young Children


Impact of physical environment in the process of language learning for young children


This paper discusses about the importance language acquisition for young children social, cognitive physical development, this paper discusses impact of physical environment in the process of language learning for the young children, along with the methods which would enhance this ability in the early childhood setting, the paper discusses the controversy surrounding the bilingual educational programs available for young children. In the end the paper provides a discussion regarding the factors, which contributes towards academic success of students which includes the methods used by teachers on students to enhance the process of language learning.

Impact of physical environment in the process of language learning for young children


The process of learning is of immense importance in the life of a human being, because it is the ability which allows a human being to make informed choices throughout his life time. Unfortunately, there are wide range physical factors, which can be impeded in the learning process, these factors can be ranging from impairment of the senses to basic nutritional factors, these are all the factors which hugely affects the ability of a human to learn effectively. The relationship between communication, Language and their development is deeply involved in order to make us human. The evaluation of language development is aim to establish the level of capability and skills possessed by the children. First word that is spoken by the infant shows the starting of the infant's language development. However, first word usually spoken at the age of twelve months.

Theoretical Context

According to the theory of Jean Piaget who was a famous physiologist, described that there are four stages for the cognitive development among young children, among which the one which he emphasized the most on is the learning of language in young children. In his theory he expressed that children do not think like adults, so in order to develop the practice of learning language among young children it is immensely important that they must actively construct their own understanding of the real world through their interaction with the real world and its environment. It is important that a child completely understands the concept of learning a language even before acquiring the particular concept of language. As an example, a child firstly becomes aware of certain concepts which involve the understanding of relative size, and it is after that they acquire the patterns and words which convey the overall concept. It is immensely important that a child can map a language onto their prior experience. Here, we could consider the example of the4 experience of an infant regarding the meowing of a cat, and its furriness, and the way cat eats from a bowl. Hence it helps in the development of the concept of cat, and afterwards the child learns to map the word Kitty.

Language is the one and the only human cognitive and mental activities, along with many cognitivists believe, which specifies that language emerges from the context of many other general and cognitive abilities which includes, attention, memory, along with problem solving as all these things play a major role in the overall intellectual development of a young child...
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