In Defense Of Food By Michael Pollan

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In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan

The book under consideration in this book report is 'In defense of food: An eater's manifesto' by Michael Pollan. The book can be published by Publisher Penguin group on January, 1st, 2008. The following paragraphs will attempt to present a discussion on the book's essential message and the manner in which I was influenced by the author's arguments. The book report will also shed light on the premise of the book (Pollan, 23). The quote that I have decided to discuss is:

“We forget that, historically, people have eaten for a great many reasons other than biological necessity. Food is also about pleasure, about community, about family and spirituality, about our relationship to the natural world, and about expressing our identity” (Pollan 8)

The author suggests and insists that modern day food consumption trends have lost the purity and nutritional value that earlier generations were able to benefit. In order to do so, the author provides multiple perspectives into the American food industry. He has taken a somewhat critical approach to the food consumption followed in the American society. In essence, the author calls the American people to return to their roots and consume food that is genuinely reliable (Pollan, 2008). Furthermore, the author seeks to prove that the only reliable food source is that which provides natural food. The author evidently has no confidence in processed food and has no confidence in artificial products.

We are ignoring the basic principles of food functions. These, apart from nurture, should be enjoyed. Some people are longing for the pleasures of good food or food whose consumption evoke those rewarding feelings, good memories and unforgettable moments of tranquility and comfort. When you want, to have a detail with a loved one, an invitation to a special meal, the gift of food or favorite recipe can be received with tremendous gratitude, to appreciate a great emotional value. Eat well and enjoy what each provides one of the greatest pleasures, but the goal to be pursued is that the pleasure and health care go hand in hand. A high percentage of people seek first as a way to offset negative emotions, be it loneliness, sadness, guilt or anxiety.

I felt that I was influenced by the book on a personal level. The book allowed me to pause for a moment and take account of the food that I consume. I was surprised to see how artificial my daily diet had become. I began to make any major changes in my diet after reading the book, but I did develop a tendency to maintain a balance between the consumption of processed food and natural food (Pollan, 23).

Family meal is a pleasant custom for both parents and children. Children like the predictability of family meals and parents have the opportunity to catch up with their children. In addition, family meals offer the opportunity to introduce new foods to the child and that you lead by example eating a healthy diet. Teens do not get excited ...
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