In What Ways Might Sophocles' Use Of The Chorus

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IN WHAT WAYS MIGHT Sophocles' use of the chorus

Sophocles' use of the chorus

In what ways might Sophocles' use of the chorus express Athenian ideas about rule by tyranny or democracy? In Oedipus

Sophocles's tragic play Antigone, written in 441 BC, is a theatrical piece of drama in which an audience is compelled to empathize with its character's. When empathizing with individual features in Antigone the assembly can, in imaginative and cognitive ways, take part in the comprehending of a character's sentiments, concepts as well as their situations. Antigone, Creon and Ismene all labour with decisions that concern the regulations of their town and the cosmic regulation of belief and lesson judgement. Characters such as Haemon and Eurydice finally display the consequences of the conclusion formed by the two protagonists. Amongst the assembly, empathy is conceived for both; individual features faced with agonizing conclusions and individual features imposed with tormenting consequences. The grades of empathy sensed for each character alterations as the article evolves and as different qualities are disclosed about each character. The allowance of empathy sensed for a character consequences not only the reading of that feature but also the meaning of the play. (Gellis Fabian 2007 Pp. 17)

The first scene of the play involves Antigone inquiring her sister to proceed against the laws of the state to help her give the correct burial rites to their brother Polynices. In the first view there is an direct sense of empathy sensed towards Antigone as she articulate her sentiments of misfortune to Ismene. 'My own flesh and body-fluid - costly sister, costly Ismene, how numerous sorrows our father Oedipus presented down! Do you understand one, I inquire you, one sorrow that Zeus will not flawless for the two of us... (p59) By introducing Antigone to the audience as the daughter ...
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