Inattentional Blindness

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Inattentional blindness

A study of Inattentional Blindness

Inattentional blindness


The study of inattentional blindness includes various phenomenon. This type of blindness cannot be considered as mental disorder as almost every person has this inability with him/her. The researchers have analyzed that majority of the accidents occur because of the inattentional blindness. The reason of such blindness is that one focuses more on an object which makes other objects less important so one does not even feel something moving though it is very clear. The study is also proved through statiscal tools where descriptive and non-parametric statistics are used which also proven the study. It is also observed that many unattended parts due to inattentional blindness is because of certain experiences that may be embarrassing or at times destructive.


A well-known phenomenon of overlooking or not noticing anything that exist or is happening in our atmosphere because the focus is centered on something else, this phenomenon is termed to be inattentional blindness. Diverting the attention on a particular object may occur to such a degree that we are unable to observe other items that exist or are placed in the field of our vision, although light rays emitted by them arrive wholly at the visual field of the cerebral cortex (Seegmiller et al., 2011).

Researchers have established that individuals focusing on a particular event or object are unable to notice the existence of unobserved items. This phenomenon is termed as inattentional blindness (IB), i.e. the inability to observe unfocused items. While, other researchers concluded that individuals often shows the inability to notice the existence of significant alterations in a scene when these alterations are induced simultaneously with a transitory period like, blaze of the display or eye movement termed change blindness, the inability to see unfocused changes. In either scenario a significant failure to note an event or object that would otherwise be rather noticeable under other situations. Also, in either case it was hypothesized that the reason for this is related to the lack of attention (Apfelbaum et al., 2010).


The working objective of eye-tracking information is to click the current scene at the first time and was made functional to inattentional blindness by means of a dynamic stimulus. It exposes the first objective proof that inattentional blindness cannot simply be a consequence of inability of the visual perception system; rather it seems to be an inattention of the cognitive process during incorporation of a scene or memory training. Another significant result achieved from this experiment was lacking of fixations throughout the staging of the stimulus. The theory of inattentional blindness can be applied in some human factors, predominantly with dynamic stimuli (Koivisto and Revonsuo, 2008).

A review by Daniel J. Simons describes the phenomenon of implicit attentional capture, in the Irrelevant Feature Search paradigm which requires that concentration must not navigate away. The stationary inattentional blindness results that were obtained, found to be reliable with this concept and imply that when concentration is centered elsewhere, new items are unable to clearly gain concentration as ...