Industrial Revolution

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Industrial Revolution


The Industrial revolution began in the early 1800s. The industrial revolution could not have happened if the agricultural revolution had not preceded it, due to the Industrial revolution, major changes were seen in manufacturing, transportation, technology, mining and agriculture. The intense effect was on the condition of cultural and socioeconomic condition at that time. It was the chief turning point in history of humans, and daily life was intensely influenced by this change.Discussion

The industrial revolution is the fundamental economic change in the process of manufactured products, as it begins to operate machinery. It emerged in late eighteenth century in Britain, during the nineteenth century its spread across Europe and around the world later. Its main focus was on the machine, technological innovations, and the use of new energy sources, the organization of workers in factories, the division of labor and the need for increasingly large capital.

Causes or Events of Industrial Revolution

The process of innovation that swept through England called by historians the industrial revolution because it was not a sudden process, but because in a few years led to a radical and profound change in terms of economic and social and marked in decisively the European and world history, influencing all forms of civil organization and life experiences. The causes that are mention down serves as the foundation of the industrial revolution are mentioned below:

Population Growth: From the eighteenth century plague epidemics were disappearing and the development of agriculture allowed the growth of food production and there was then a catastrophic decline in mortality (starvation, wars, and epidemics).

European mortality, like infant mortality declined.

The birth rate was declining slowly, but remained high, reflecting increased vegetative growth enough.

Population was increasing in great amount in the cities. There were also migrations, especially to America. Improvements in agriculture continued to exist (concentration of land in large estates) with the support of governments, which allowed the introduction of technical improvements, in addition to this, some more advance machineries were created to increased the high quality of crops for high profits n future.

Improvements in agriculture favored by the Industrial Revolution in 4 ways:

-The increase in production allowed feed a rapidly growing population.-Technical improvements reduced the number of farmers needed to work the land and provided labor for the industry.-The profits of the landowners were invested in agriculture, trade and new industries.-The metal needs for agricultural implements and machinery demand, led to the development of iron and steel industry.

Technological development: The increase in demand for machinery made technical innovations occur that increased production and profits. These inventions began in England in the textile sector, were at first very simple inventions, built in wood and made by craftsmen and people without scientific training.

Technological development fostered the Industrial Revolution in 2 aspects:-The important thing is not the invention but its diffusion in the industry, an invention only applies when the employer will pay out.-Each invention is not important in itself, but because it provokes further innovations.

Major effects of the IR

The industrial revolution operated a change in the social, economic, political and lifestyle ...
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