Ineffectiveness Of Turnitin

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Ineffectiveness of Turnitin

The possible Ineffectiveness of Turnitin Originality Reports


Turnitin is an online service used worldwide to detect plagiarism in education. Teachers already know it is effective in the process of learning. Teachers at all levels who use Turnitin as a teaching tool say it helps them get the results desired. Teachers show that Turnitin helps in preventing plagiarism, Improving the quality of student writing, discuss with students the intellectual honesty to school, teach students to cite their sources properly, and teach proper techniques of paraphrase, summary and citation (Foley , 2002).

Teachers also report that their Turnitin saves time by saving those hours they would otherwise have used for manual control of student work. This high level of satisfaction leads to a high rate of renewal of annual subscription. Turnitin adopts and integrate it fully in your educational culture. All teachers should learn how to use Turnitin as both a preventive tool against plagiarism and as a tool for involving students through the writing process (McDiarmid, 2006).


Internet and World Wide Web have revolutionized techniques for finding and sharing information. Internet provides enormous power over information but also generates a lot of problems. Never before has such utterances as "Big government imposes a big responsibility," or "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" been so true. The list of problems is endless from fraud in e-retailing to computer crime and the spread of viruses. We'll talk about one of them, scientific misconduct, and in particular about the plagiarism (Alfrey, 2000).

Turnitin is the most popular service is to identify plagiarism. It was designed for a group of iParadigms teachers and educational institutions, and was formerly known as The service operates on a commercial basis and requires preregistration. Professors and teachers are student works on site and a day or two to receive the results. The system compares these materials with the indexed Web-content, large databases containing the texts of the so-called "collections of essays" (they are sold on the Internet for use as a school or university course work), as well as with previously submitted papers (Lynch, 2002).

Recently, the validity of using this service has been questioned: Turnitin after verification includes work in their database, getting the economic benefit without payment of compensation to the students. Many institutions, ranging from high school to higher education are improving year by year. All experience reduction progressive incidents of copying through continued use Turnitin. In view of the performance statistics recorded so far, it is reasonable to imagine an even more marked improvement after years use (Halfnight, 2006).

Like any new tool, Turnitin tool intended to be a vanguard that was created based on the research methods used by young students, but is difficult to measure the scope and effectiveness it may have by reason of the object that gave rise is precisely to prevent students from copying work or previously written or published texts. In relation to educational institutions is noteworthy that many universities are using it to create in students a feeling more ...
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