Infection Control Of H1n1 Virus

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Infection Control of H1n1 Virus

Infection Control of H1n1 Virus

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the spread of H1N1 virus, its strain and how practitioners help to control this pandemic. The paper puts emphasis on the best mechanisms to control the spread, how to distinguish it from other virus that causes seasonal flow work is on-going to describe more fully the emerging epidemiological, virological and clinical characteristics of this novel influenza virus including in-depth field investigations of individual cluster events in settings such as schools. The paper will analyze different types of influenza and their symptoms, with regular seasonal flu, young children and the elderly are usually thought to be most at risk for serious infections, in addition to people with chronic medical problems (www.

It will highlight possible different agents that help to spread the infection, more serious symptoms that would indicate that a child with swine flu would need urgent medical attention the susceptible hosts and characteristics that the host has to accommodate the H1N1 virus, the portal entry of the virus to the host and the conditions that facilitate its entry and survival in the host. The paper will highlight the portal of exit of the virus enabling it to be contagious, reservoir hosts and favorable environments for H1N1 virus survival. Going on, the paper will focus on the mechanisms to identify the symptoms and other features that are associated with the spread and the rate of H1N1 contamination in order to examine why it is declared a national disaster. I will describe available treatments and summaries the medication and vaccine that is currently available in the US. Lastly, the essay will discuss [or consider] the modes of spread, morbidity and mortality rates in the US cases from H1N1 flu pandemic and how this impact has altered affected? The economy of US, the statistics associated with this pandemic etc. It is important to keep in mind most children with a runny nose or cough will not have swine flu and will not have to see their pediatrician for swine flu testing (Kawaoka 2006).


H1N1 is spread from the infected person to another susceptible host from the time of infection and is viable for another seven days. This virus is spreading from person-to-person worldwide, probably in much the same way that regular seasonal influenza viruses spread. The role of nurses is to make sure people know how, when and why the virus spreads very fast. In this case the responsibilities of the nurses is to make sure that the susceptible population is aware of the mechanisms and the precautionary measures that they should take to avoid the spread in case of an outbreak ( This is because the virus becomes more contagious when the person infected does not take the primary precautions to avoid the spread.

H1N1 virus (swine flu) is a contagious influenza virus. This virus resembles the normal virus that causes common seasonal influenza and other seasonal flu but they differ genetically since H1N1 virus is a quadruple reassortant ...
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