Influence On Adolescents (Assignment No.2)

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Influence on Adolescents (Assignment no.2)

Influence on Adolescents (Assignment no.2)


Teenagers are the future of ever nation and keeping an eye on their lifestyle, habits and attitudes is an important way of analyzing what the future trend is going to be as the teenagers have an important role to play in shaping up the future of every country. The trend that is followed in terms of spending leisure time defined by the preference and choices made by teenagers. They play a pivotal role in defining such values and set the limits of leisure endeavors in a lager perspective. Additionally their preferences in terms of products and services as a consumer help in shaping of the economy of the country. Their work habits with regards to the job helps in defining the values related to labor and workforce. They not only define the economical values of the country but also shape up the family values through their attitude toward the family member and elders in social gatherings and occasions. How teenagers behave within their family devises the future of family ties and relationships as well as parenting values. Even the future of the most important institution that is church is dependent upon the value and beliefs of the teenagers as to how important religious teachings near them what is their level of acceptance and tolerance in terms of religion. In depth study must be conducted to understand the nature and personality of the latest teenager generation as it is going to have a profound effect on the future of our nation and institutions.


Cultural aspects of every country are prone to change. Whether it is the beliefs, values, customs, rituals, leisure activities etc. everything may change from time to time due globalization and increased travelling of people across the border. And whenever such cultural changes take place, it has been reported that teenagers are the first one to champion or adapt to those changes. It is further explained that the main reason behind teenager being the leaders in terms of adaptation is their lack of responsibility and commitment. They are free to do anything they want in life and in their age, it is natural that they get involved risk taking activities and find them exciting and adventurous. Teenagers are prone to take risks and do not care for the societal boundaries and limitation with regard to the norms of the society. Research shows that of all the age groups, young generation belonging to high schools and universities are the ones who want to take risk as a challenge or just for the sole purpose of excitement and adventure.

Influence on teens

It has been suggested that the risk taking behavior of the teenagers is dependent upon variety of causes. These causes may be the result of certain ecological and social changes in the external environment. Some important examples of such ecological changes may be the socioeconomic status or income background of the family, people living in the surroundings, the cultural background, social structure and relationship ...
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