Intangible Resources To Legitimise Management Authority In Organisations

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Intangible resources can be used to legitimize management authority in organizations


The profound socio-economies changes of the last decades have played a significant role in changing behavior and operations within companies. In particular, there has been a progressive shift from tangible to intangible resources. Skills, know-how, tacit and structured knowledge, innovation capacity, trademarks, reputation, corporate culture, relations with customers and other stakeholders have become crucially important in the value creation process and in creating business success. Over the past few years, there has been a particularly lively debate on intangible resources in economies-business as well as other issues. (Chen 2003 pp.191) Thus it is essential to govern, by means of appropriate organizational and information solutions, the process for developing and disseminating knowledge as well as individual and organizational learning, which are the basis for value creation. (Caddy 2004 pp.12)


The ideology is reflected in the science or study of the ideas. However, ideology tends to refer to the way people think about the world and the ideal concept of how to live in the world. This is slightly different from philosophy in the sense that ideology embraces the concept that their ideals are the best way.

Philosophy on the other side may examine how ideology affects others more distant perspective. However, philosophy can become ideology when a philosopher establishes concepts etc. Ideal for the way people live. The Republic of Plato, for example, is the ideology of how best to proceed in life. Ideology term can also be used to describe the shared beliefs of a group of people, for example, a nation, a sect of a religion or a group of theorists. The term was probably first coined by French philosopher, Count Destutt de Tracy, who used the term in 1700 to describe the more specific definition of the science of ideas. By contrast, people in the city, for the most part, might believe it makes sense to look both ways before crossing a street. ideology of common sense often refers to the protection of the individual and the community as a whole. (Caddy 2004 pp.12)

Ideology can be used in a more specific sense to differentiate between different groups of thought. The ideological differences between Sunni and Shiite factions of Islam are a subject of great debate. Understanding these competing ideologies allows a clearer view of how to deal with cultures that have as much contact a hostile or peaceful.


In the world of power politics is the ability of one actor (whether of the nation state or other actor) to make one or more other actors to do what the first actor desires. Power can be used both to compel the conduct and to deter the behavior. To deter is to get another actor to do what the actor would not otherwise. Deterrence, in world politics, it usually means a nation-state prevents another from doing what the second actor would have done otherwise. That action may range from deterring an attack, to build a ...
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