Internal Body Balance

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Importance of the Interaction between the Respiratory and Cardiovascular Systems in Maintaining the Body Internal Balance

Importance of the Interaction between the Respiratory and Cardiovascular Systems in Maintaining the Body Internal Balance


The respiratory system carries out the major function of breathing. Oxygen is the basic necessity for every living thing, without breathing oxygen no human being can survive for long. The process of exhaling oxygen helps the human body to get rid of carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbon dioxide is produced due to the functioning of the human body. It is necessary to get rid of excessive CO2 amounts as it is toxic to human health. The purpose of lungs is to inhale the required amount of oxygen and exhale the excess amounts of carbon dioxide. All the other parts of the body entirely depend on the functioning of the lungs. If the lungs are facing a problem in performing their job successfully, the other organs also have difficulty in carrying out their assigned tasks. Hence, the lungs have an immediate and direct impact on the overall health of the human body.

This paper discusses the importance of respiratory and cardiovascular systems in maintaining the internal balance of the human body.


The circulatory and respiratory systems perform functions that are closely related. The functioning of these two systems together is sometimes referred to as cardiorespiratory system. The respiratory system depends on the blood circulatory system in order to dispense the oxygen that has been taken in through the lungs to all the tissues of the body. Similarly, the blood circulatory system helps transfer CO2 from the body tissues to the lungs, which is a channel for exhaling it. Each cell of the body requires oxygen in order to function properly. Removal of carbon dioxide from the body continuously is as necessary for ...
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