Interpersonal Relationships

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Interpersonal relationships



Interpersonal relationship is a reciprocal interaction between two or more people. It is social relations as such are regulated by laws and institutions of social interaction. In any interpersonal relationship involving the media, which is the ability of people to obtain information about their environment and share it with other people. The communication process consists of broadcast signals (sounds, gesture, signs) in order to publicize a message. Successful communication requires a receiver with the skills that allow you to decode the message and interpret it. If communication fails, the interpersonal relationship is complicated. (Augustinos, 2006, 35)

Love: Friend or Foe?

The notion of love in modern psychology meant a high degree of emotional positive attitude, which sets individuals apart from other object and places it in the centre of vital needs and interests of the subject: love of country, to his mother, the children, to music, etc. Love is an intense, stressful and relatively stable sensitivity of the set of the subject, physiologically due to sexual needs, expressed in the socio-being formed tends to be the most complete picture of their personality-relevant traits in the life of another so as to awaken him the need for reciprocal feeling the same intensity, strength and stability. Feeling of love is deeply intimate and accompanied by situational emerging and changing emotions of tenderness, joy, jealousy and others, depending on the experience at the individual psychological characteristics of personality. Love is one of human emotions, for study which was devoted to a set of works: from Stendhal and its crystallization of love to the modern study of S-Hormonal components of the experience of love. It seems obvious that love can be described with sufficient completeness in any one science. Knowledge of love requires exists a multi-disciplinary research, which includes not only psychologically knowledge, but knowledge in the field of sociology, biology, history, art and many other disciplines. (Wetherell, 1996, 156)

As a generic concept, love covers a rather wide range of emotional phenomena that differ in depth, force, subject to the direction and the other: from a relatively weakly expressed complimentary relationship (sympathy) to all the exciting human experience, reaching the power of passion. Fusion of the sexual needs of the individual, providing ultimately procreation, and love as the highest sense of giving the best possible person to be the extension of the perfectly presented in another significant, made it almost impossible to separate the reflection from one another. This circumstance after-lived one of the reasons that different philosophical and psychological on-board allowed improper or biological, in the beginning of love, reducing it to the sexual instinct (love is like sex), or from- and downplaying the physiological side of love treat it as a purely spiritual sense (platonic love).

Although the physiological needs of the STP prerequisite to maintain the appearance and feeling of love, but due to the fact that the biological identity of the person is removed and serves as a pre-rotation, such as social, love in their intimate psychological-physical characteristics ...
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