Introduction To Christian Ethics.

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Introduction to Christian Ethics.

Introduction to Christian Ethics


Undoubtedly the reason for Christianities existence, and indeed all the other religions the world has formed, serve not only to answer those unanswerable questions such as “how the earth was created” but also as a moral and ethical guide to its followers to ensure the world lives peacefully and happily.

Sacred texts serve the religions in this way, essentially a manual to the way to live life in order to keep a harmony. In Judaism, this text is the Torah, in Hinduism, the Rámáyan or Gita, and in Christianity the Bible. Each of these texts contain many stories and instructions which help to guide the follower in the “right direction”. When it comes to the bible, even sections of the Jewish Torah are included; this section is noted as the Decalogue, the “ten words from God”, or quite simply, the Ten Commandments. In addition to this text, it also comprises of “The Beatitudes” which is restated in two sections of the Bible, written in a different context by both Matthew and Luke. Also on a different level is Jesus' Commandment of Love.

All religions place a firm grasp on ethical teachings, Christianity no exception, and it is these ethical teachings which play such an important role in the life of the adherent (believer) placing further roots into their own faith, as well as creating a happier person and a more harmonised environment for all.


The Decalogue is a collection of ten short guidelines for living, and are based on the direct revelation between Moses and God on Mount Sinai (in Israel) where it is said God delivered them directly to the Jewish people, before writing it with his own hand onto two stone tablets.

In summary, the Decalogue explains the relationship the adherent should have with their God, how to keep within the boundaries of sin, as well as moral teachings to ones character (such as murder, jealousy, robbery, adultery, and false witness). The relationship between God and the adherent:” You shall have no other gods before me” 3The first three commandments all relate to this statement (for further information on the differences between the links of the commandments between different religions, please see the appendix) which explain how God is to be treated, and where he stands in your life. It is made very clear that he is the “most high” and that he will banish those who do not worship only him/her, and follow the commandments, “punishing children… to the third and the fourth generation of those who reject me” but “showing steadfast love to the thousandth generation of those who love [him] and keep [his] commandments” The Boundaries of Sin” Remember the Sabbath day, and keep it holy” 8In connection with following the commandments to prevent Gods abandonment, all of the commandments provide its adherents with boundaries to help them remain without (or at least to lessen the likelihood of) sin. Such a commandment is of the Sabbath and keeping it ...
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