Is Anthem A Realistic Portrayal Of Life In A Totalitarian Society?

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Is Anthem a realistic portrayal of life in a totalitarian society?

Is Anthem a realistic portrayal of life in a totalitarian society?


Anthem, by Rand began writing while she was still a teenager in St. Petersburg, Russia, knowing that would never be able to finish and publish the novel in Bolshevik Russia, "declares the ego." Work on the novel has been postponed until 1926, when she came to the United States. However her first lessons on arrival was the work of statistics and screenwriter, then - the waitresses during the Great Depression (Milgram, 2005). Ayn Rand is destined to remain in the history of philosophical tribune of the capitalist system. Its value is similar to the value of capitalism Karl Marx for communism. In this paper we are going to argue on whether Anthem is a realistic portrayal of life in a totalitarian society or not.

Thesis Statement

Anthem is not Anthem is a realistic portrayal of life in a totalitarian society.


Anthem by Ayn Rand describes in one of the possible future of our civilization. This view is somewhat terrifying. The pronoun "I" has disappeared and is simply replaced by the pronoun "we". Indeed, it is prohibited from seeking to distinguish himself from his neighbor, to think for you or trying to be original. Moreover, men live and sleep in dormitories giants to avoid loneliness. The idea of progress has disappeared from the mouths of men who must eradicate the virus of freedom. The most terrifying is that this collectivist totalitarianism was built with the consent of the population has gradually abdicated his freedom (Gimpelevich, 2007).

The setting of a futuristic imaginary city is planted by briefly describing its operation collectivist. Collectivism pushed to its logical conclusion: a council of vocations assign to each human entity specialized work for the rest of his life; Advice houses organized according to specific rituals the course of the day workers, a palace of the connection provides the procedures for planning and human reproduction supervised by the board of the eugenicists, the board of scholars levels the scientific progress in the common good. The main character does not exist. It is named Equality 7-2521 and there is no more than the other inhabitants of the city: Union 5-3992, 4-8818 International. In fact, its existence is real but it is denied as individuality: there is nothing for himself and for all his "brothers" (Saint, 2003). Any difference, distinction, all originality, ...