Islamic Culture And Analysis

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Islamic Culture and Analysis

Table of Content



Islam, Christianity and Judaism3

Judaism Global Anti-Semitism4

Regional Anti-Semitism4


New age and Gnosticism5

Child molestation scandal6



Islam and women7

Islamic Cultures in various parts of the world8



Islamic Culture and Analysis


In a sense, self-pollination of Islamic culture, value and the relevant motivations Muslim fundamentalists have built a better world "corporation", which works more efficiently. This "company" targeted "vertical" and specific, but it also has a charismatic leader to lead the masses of the fundamental objectives, effective in encouraging obedient followers who are willing to sacrifice the goal, so there is no different from the brainwashing, is rich in oil revenues floating ship "jihad." From a purely academic and organizational behavior, which no sediment unique Islamic culture, is a worth studying. However, if analysis of the characteristics of these deposits, the current anatomy itself must in the first place.1

Discussion And Analysis

Islam, Christianity and Judaism

Christianity, Judaism and Islam have the same roots, the root of Abraham. In addition, these religions have a common holy city of Jerusalem. In this article I will discuss these two face of the religion.


Global Anti-Semitism

Surprisingly, it is not clear why anti-Semitism is so widespread. Probably because most Western countries believe in a very ancient "pseudo-Christian" tradition, "the Jews killed Jesus" and not recognize Jesus as the Jews and all the apostles included. Or because Judaism does not seek to convert, no Jew will be just a wish. Therefore, the whole world as a separate group, envy them, perhaps? For the reasons mentioned above, I think most anti-Semitism is racial hatred, rather than religious hatred.

Regional Anti-Semitism

For four thousand years, Arabs and Jews hate each other. The hatred between Arabs and Jews can be traced back to Abraham. Abraham had two sons, Isaac and Ishmael. The descendants of Isaac, is the Jewish people and the descendants of Ishmael, the Arab countries. Both countries claim to the legacy of Abraham, their holy book, to prove its burden. Torah, this is Isaac and the Koran, this is Ismail. Therefore, the question of Israel and the Palestinian question from Isaac and Ishmael, however, goes one step further. In 1946, the United Nations to establish a new country called Israel, the Jewish people. Land is the colony, who is expelling the Arabs to their homes. All Arab countries have combined their forces and attack Israel, but in the end, the Arab defeat by Israel forces. Since the end of the war, the Arabs as the main objective remains the extinction of the Jewish people. I believe that Israel, Judaism, and therefore has the right to life and to defend himself.2


New age and Gnosticism

At present time people is looking for answers to spiritual questions in new or none traditional beliefs. Wicca, New age and Gnosticism are in vogue. As example, a book recently published confirms this trend. Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code has been for 162 consecutive weeks a best seller in the New York Times. The plot includes numerous antichristian claims such as the allegations ...
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