Jordan And Morocco

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Jordan and Morocco

Jordan and Morocco


When a person looks into any particular country he or she talks about the several attributes that comprise in the country and creates understandable notions to acquire in-depth knowledge about the country. However, in this paper the focus is on more towards the Islamic world, as the countries selected for the compare and contrast of two different countries are from Islamic world. The countries picked for this paper are from West Africa and Middle East. First is the Mediterranean country Morocco which is known for the diversified cultural values it has, the European and African feel with the Arabian essence of the Islamic world. On the contrary, the second country that got selected is the modern nation from the Islamic world; Jordan, known for its contemporary approach with the essence of historical and hereditary values.

However, they both are nations from every angle and have totally unique scenarios coming from them. Moreover, ideologically they are more subjective and ambiguous as above, can be defined as a human community with certain characteristics cultural common which gives them a sense of two separate ethical and political nations. However, Jordan and Morocco are also termed as two different states, as state is a set of institutions that possess the authority to establish rules governing a society, having sovereignty internally and externally on a territory defined.


Gestures and other nonverbal communication that would be considered offensive

Be it Jordan or be it Morocco there are several notions which differ from each other. Thus, the gestures in which they meet are highly humble and sweet. If a person doesn't meet in a humble way then it is considered to be a bad habit. Moreover, people tend to feel offended if in Jordan if you do not meet them properly. Whereas, if children do not greet the elders then there is problem amongst the people and this notion is felt offensive in Morocco.

Social hierarchies and interaction

In Morocco the social hierarchies represent father as the ultimate leader and family members tend to follow them. However, there are reasons that make alterations in the social hierarchies. However, in Jordan the bread earner is the leader of the social hierarchy. However, the interaction is very friendly.

Safe conversation topics

There are several problems that get created when people choose the bad topic and conversations become problematic. However, in Jordan people can talk on sensitive issues and discuss taboo topics. On the contrary, the people in Morocco refrain from talking on sensitive issues and pick up problematic issues.

Verbal styles

There are several notions that get accepted in Jordan and people are expressive and moreover, try to contribute towards verbal conversations. However, in Morocco people have to face many problems if they have casual verbal styles in the formal meetings. However, people tend to follow conservative verbal styles in Morocco and cotemporary in Jordan.

Work habits

In Jordan people are more towards casual way and free towards their working lifestyle. However, they are very professional as well when it comes ...
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