Juvennile Delinquency

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Juvenile Delinquency and the Psychology of the Criminal Behavior

Juvenile Delinquency and the Psychology of the Criminal Behavior


The topic that I have chosen for my research is Juvenile Delinquency. The term basically refers to the crimes and illegal activities done by children and adolescence. Juvenile crimes come under criminal law but, it is treated as a separate field of study. Moreover, juvenile detention centers are separate in different countries because of the various needs and rights of children.

Rationale of the topic

I have selected this topic so that I can find out the root-cause of the juvenile crimes. Since the rate of juvenile crimes is the highest in the industrialized countries, therefore, it is important to find out the root-cause of the crimes which will help to control the crime rate. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency has done an extensive research on the crimes committed by children and their co-relation with the causes. Some of the reasons are given below:

Reasons for youth crimes

It is said that nobody voluntarily chooses to be a criminal. There is a reason behind every crime. Most of the children and adults involved in criminal activities are actually the victims of certain criminal behavior. Therefore, it is important to address their needs so that the root-cause of their actions can be identified and corrective action can be taken. Following are the basic reasons for juvenile delinquency.

If the needs of children who are involved in small crimes are overlooked than the likelihood of their involvement in bigger criminal activities will increase.

Maltreatment of children is directly linked to the increase of criminal activity because it creates negativity in the minds of children against the society.

More than 50 percent of the children involved in criminal activity have been either abused or neglected by parents, friends or society.

The Importance of Understanding the Psychology of the Criminal Behavior

In order to understand the topic, it is important to link it with restorative justice. Restorative justice focuses on the needs of victims, offender and the community. On one hand, it focuses on repaying the damages done by the criminal but, on the other hand, it says that people who are involved in criminal activities must be understood, and their rights should be protected.

The lives of children who are involved in criminal activities are badly affected. With the increase in the crime rates the rate of school drop outs, teenage pregnancy, gang wars ...
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