Laser Treatments

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Laser Treatments

Laser Treatments


Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that will satisfy individual and organizational objectives. At any successful organization, marketing seeks to connect with customers, serve its needs and accomplish the stated mission of the organization. Through customer satisfaction, marketing creates the customer loyalty necessary to reach an organization's objectives. A successful marketing process creates value through consumer satisfaction from brand building to after sales service and support. As the market changes, the marketing mix can be adjusted accordingly to accommodate these changes. Often small changes in consumer wants and needs can be addresses by changing the promotional and advertising campaign. As the changes become more significant, modify an existing or introduce a new product may be needed. The marketing process does not end with implementation; there must be continual monitoring an adaptation to fulfill the customer needs consistently over the long-term.

Marketing decisions generally fall into the following four controllable categories:

Product (laser treatment)


Place (distribution)


The term "marketing mix" became popularized after Neil H. Borden published his 1964 article, The Concept of the Marketing Mix. Borden began using the term in his teaching in the late 1940's after James Culliton had described the marketing manager as a "mixer of ingredients".

The four P's of marketing strategies are the parameters that the marketing manager can control, subject to the internal and external constraints of the marketing environment. The goal is to make decisions that center the four P's on the customers in the target market in order to create perceived value and generate a positive response.

Laser Treatment Business

Lasers are a hot buzzword now. For the next few years laser therapy will appear high-tech to patients. They will be seeking this treatment option and you better be ready to offer it to them or somebody else will. You can enhance this process by branding your practice as cutting edge and state-of-the-art. Lasers help move your practice to a higher quality, volume and fee structure. Internal and external marketing will become much easier with the right laser therapy device (Treede et al, 2003).

Practice differentiation is as important as specialization in this era where consumers are provided with more healthcare choices than ever before. Successful practices stand out from the crowd through continual enhancement of the 'business' model by providing new and innovative services that the competition does not (Beydounet al, 1999). How do you set yourself apart from the pack? To be successful in the real world, you need to have business smarts and marketing know how to attract clients to your services .

Among the challenges today are more competition, managed care, cheap tight fisted insurance companies and corporate downsizing mentality. Successful doctors quickly learn how to play the business game better. They formulate a marketing plan for success and don't allow anyone to derail them. Rarely do they waiver in the face of adversity. They are not more talented, but rather more ...
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