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Social Issues of PTSD

Social Issues of PTSD


Our emotional health is said to play a crucial part in our well being. Once we tend to recognize that our heart beats faster when we are in fear, we tend to blush when we are distressed and that our palms are sweaty when we are nervous and more commonly when our head hurts when we are stressed then it becomes difficult to deny the fact that our emotions tend to have a huge impact on our body. There are number of symptoms that are said to be associated with stress which includes tremor of the denture, indigestion, back pain as well as stiffness in the neck. There are also many people who carry a life that is said to be full of anger, anxiety, rejection, betrayal and many more. There are many who tend to seek emotional help but there are majority that who do not feel that undergoing a treatment is fine and they have the perception that “I can handle this” or “it'll pass with time.

What is PTSD?

The prevalence of PTSD has a direct relationship with the degree of exposure to traumatic stressful events, both natural (earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions) as caused by the hand of man (war, terrorist attacks, violent attacks, etc). In all these conditions of persons belonging to targeted groups may have PTSD at rates of at least 15 %. PTSD may or may not develop in a person who is exposed to a traumatic event, depending on individual predisposing factors (vulnerability) and severity of the event. A more traumatic the event, the more likely it originates, unless prior individual vulnerability less likely to generate.The factors among contributing to its development are:

The extent to which the traumatic event affects the intimate life of the affected staff.

The duration of the event.

The degree of vulnerability to human evil (PTSD is more likely to occur in events triggered by the hand of man to natural events).

Reasons Why People Suffers From PTSD

There are many reasons that can cause traumatic stress disorder; however, some of these reasons are listed below:

If a person worries about frightening memories of previous attacks or the situation of any disaster. Memories occur suddenly and are accompanied by numbness, sweating, palpitations.

Secondly, if a person avoids all that way that can recall the memories of injuries, because he is not able to cope with the emerging painful sensations.

Next, if the person wakes up several times during the night because he has nightmares related to the experienced extreme situation.

In spite of severe suffering, people with PTSD rarely seek professional help from a psychotherapist. These people are usually seen as curing themselves with the help of alcohol. If a person has experienced an extreme situation, it is important to recognize that almost any person may appear similar symptoms after the experience of a real threat to their existence.


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