Leadership Demonstration

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Leadership Demonstration

Leadership Demonstration


Each time you touch the issue of differences between men and women when it comes to running businesses or leadership, it is inevitable to meddle in the figures highlight the scarcity of the latter in such charges. The leadership effectiveness is determined by using a management style in a specific situation (Eagly, 2012, 3). The modern manager's job is to observe the systemic organizational and situational variables of the environment to develop methods to promote the effectiveness of its leadership; that is to say, its power to influence other positively. The study of gender differences in leadership styles has gained growing interest in recent decades.

In this paper, we present a review of research highlights. They seem to beat a clear conviction of a strong link between leadership styles and access of women to leadership roles in the sense that, supposedly, leadership styles feminine which would hinder such access. However, the results introduce important qualifications that deal mainly with the gender of the people who actually exercise leadership with that of the recipients of these leadership behaviours, with the gender typing of tasks to do with the degree to which the organization is or is not "traditional" and one's leadership style, among other variables.

Research Question

Women have to demonstrate male characteristics in order to “succeed” as leaders and must set aside feminine qualities?Discussion

It is not certain that the same management style produces the same effects in different situations. The question now is whether women should demonstrate the characteristics of men's leadership (Eagly, 2005, 125). There are basically three different approaches to explain the differences between male leadership and female leadership and decide whether women should demonstrate leadership characteristics of men and keep aside feminine qualities:

Gender approach;

The situational approach

Male and female gender

This approach is based on gender difference in the behavior of men and women it puts in opposition. Its foundation is to present the feminine and masculine behavior is as superior or as inferior. Male behavior would focus on the performance in the tasks, structure and power, while a female behavior would focus on the consideration, participation, and the relational dimension of work (Maher, 2007, 209). The differences between male and female behaviors play for women and a small proportion of women in an organization affect the operation thereof, especially in the context and transformational Participatory modern enterprise. In contrast, men (and women) think that a leader must possess traits predominantly male (even though they use feminine behavior) and that women lack the capacity to lead.

Be careful not to fall into the prejudices and stereotypes when we say that the masculine and feminine behavior is different. Unlike the male and female behavior does not come from biological differences and gender. According to academic research, there is very little difference between the innate abilities of men and women for leadership, or at least the importance of these differences would minimal (Burns, 2004, 12). Behavior defines how a person acts, but does not define how the person is: a ...
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