Leadership In Higher Education

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Leadership in Higher Education

Leadership in Higher Education

Annotated Bibliography

Forward, G. L., Czech, K. & Allen, P. (2007) Leadership, Communication and Religiosity in Higher Education Administration: Distinctions That Make a Difference; Journal of Communication & Religion

The authors of this article are basically related to the field of Organizational Communication. All the three authors possess extensive experience within the field of higher education and they talk about the significance of leadership through effective communication to facilitate the learning of higher education. This particular research article talks about the significance of the various important elements related to communication and religious aspects for the purpose of transforming leadership context in the higher education arena (Forward, Czech & Allen, 2007). The article talks about the most important variables including attentiveness, negotiation of roles and many other important things. I believe this article is certainly important for my project related to leadership in higher education because it provides a deep insight to the implications of effective leadership on the arena of higher education. The article is divided into two stepwise regression models to make the reader understand the significance of leadership and communication in higher education.

Herbst, T. H. & Conradie, P. (2011) Leadership effectiveness in Higher Education: Managerial self-perceptions versus perceptions of others; SAJIP: South African Journal of Industrial Psychology

The authors of this article are related to the field of technology in South Africa. The article talks about the effective leadership and its importance in the field of higher education. The authors have tried to depict a dual view regarding the leadership related to higher education. The two perspectives author has selected are the perspective of managers and non managers. I found this study extremely useful for my project related to the topic of leadership in higher education as it explores the importance of underlying connection ...
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