Leadership Theories

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Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos Leadership Theories

Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos Leadership Theories


In the simplest of term, leadership can be defined as the art of leading people. In a more elaborative term, it can be defined as a process of influencing someone socially, enlisting support, and aid for the accomplishment of a task. Leadership can be regarded as the guiding path, which aligns several groups of people into a direction from where they can achieve their objectives. Around us, there are people who are illustrious from all others, not by usual traits or knowledge but for their capability to motivate others to dream and make their dreams come true. People with such traits are able to generate passion and energy into everything they do and transmit it to the people around them. There is a huge difference between being a leader and being a boss, which is limited to meet senior managers and find that the people around them do what is required(Martineau & Hannum, 2004, pp. 48-50).

Leadership is the procedure through which individual's draw influence over people and encourages, inspires and guides its activities to reach the goals; the essence of leadership is to have followers. The process includes several principles that highlight the importance of goals, motivation, leadership, and communication. Usually leadership differs from origin to origin and culture to culture (Collins & Holton, 2004 pp. 217-248). Various theories related to leaderships have been formulated in the past by known scholars and philosophers. These theories are an important guidance for all the leaders operating in the modern day environment.

Both leaders and followers have a script about what behaviours are expected of a person to be considered a leader. Important theories defined leadership beliefs about how the leaders have to behave to be considered such, which are pending them. Research shows people use attribution process to categorize (Bennis, 2006, pp. 38-42). This categorization process identified matching ideal prototype encoded in the memory with the actual behaviour observed. Categorization first is linked to a particular stimulus then guides the information processing.

These theroies have played a keyb role in the development of various known leadership styles. Many of the current and great leaders of the world have been following or implementing such theories.


As mentioned in the previous section about the relationship between implicit theories held by the followers and the context in which they operate they and the leaders have links with the concept of organisational culture. It will define what is conciliation be that term and its relationship to the phenomenon of leadership. Organisational culture means the set of values and beliefs shared by members of a certain nothing. These values and beliefs reflect the assumptions that underpin members about what you do and what to do within institutions. These "schemes" of values and beliefs are generally created by the founding members of the organizations and for the first leaders. The members of a particular environment develop, as a function of context, ideas, and values commonly accepted ...
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