Leading Change At Sjhc And Lhsc

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Leading change at SJHC and LHSC

Leading change at SJHC and LHSC

Question 1

Based on the given case study, identify, critically examine, and analyze the various challenges and barriers to change management faced by the change agents, Rebecca Parkes and Lianne Collins. Discuss these impediments with careful attention to organizational and cultural factors involving the various key factors and stakeholders involved in the process


The change agents Lianne Collins and Rebecca Parkes were appointed as the change agents by the vice-president of SJHC; Sandra Letton and vice president of LHSC; Ellen Rosen. The purpose of hiring these change agents was to handle the new model of organizational developmental resourcing, and to organize the leaders for the future stages of the restructuring of the clinic.

The reason behind hiring Parkes and Collins as the change agents because both of them have vast experience and extensive background of working together in the field of change management, executive coaching and leader development at both the levels, that is, the public and the private sector, and especially in the healthcare sector. Collins was a known registered nurse, and she had enormous experience of working in the hospital education and especially in the mental health counseling. However, on the other hand, Parkes had an undergraduate degree in the field of psychology, beside the degree, Parkes hold diploma not only in training and development but in counseling as well, and as mentioned earlier, Parkes had vast experience of a trainer in private and public sector with leadership.


According to the author, the most notable part of their life and career was that being so successful in their respective field; both of them still had the hunger for continuing the education in the relevant field. Both of them obtained various certificates in organization development model and tools with the change leadership. From the year 1995 to 99, both of them worked as the external consultants, whose task was to integrate all the non-clinical services at the University Hospital, and when were successful in achieving their goal, they were assigned with another assignment and that assignment was to do the same integration at LHSC.

The integration of LHSC was based on certain objectives, in which the most prioritized objective was the cost reduction or in other words reduction of expenses, similarly, the other objective was to increase the satisfaction of patients and the customer service. Another, important task of their integration was to fully utilize the skills and potential of workers by enhancing the job satisfaction level. The first phase of the clinical restructuring was knows as the Milestone I, in which 28 clinical programs and services were transferred between LHSC and SJHC. The programs and services that were transferred were general surgery, emergency, and critical care. Collins and Parkes joined the citywide clinical restructuring in the second phase and the task that were assigned to them was the clinical restructuring of mainly the Prenatal Services at SJHC and children and women service at LHSC during the period of ...
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