Leading Educational Organizations: Ethical Issues In Organizations

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Leading Educational Organizations: Ethical Issues in Organizations

Leading Educational Organizations: Ethical Issues in Organizations


Diversity has become an integral part of American education system. Many schools have realized the importance of inclusive education. This is the reason why such schools have developed curricula to address the phenomenon of cultural diversity and have encouraged African American students to get themselves enrolled in various subjects. But there are issues that need to be addressed at the earliest. Although the number of schools providing inclusive education is increasing, there are schools, which overwhelmingly oppose this particular notion of inclusive education.

Education plays a vital role in shaping an individual student's personality, thus harnessing his cognitive and psychological development. Main objective of Green Valley School is to focus on in-service training that has maximum impact in enhancing the capability and performance of teachers and students. They also provide a wide variety of seminars and classes in addition to the mentoring program. It can be said that being ethical with colleagues at work and the community is vital in order to maintain respectful relationships. As is the case with being impartial with the students, as it is the ethical way to teaching and will have positive results, and similarly, being ethical with colleagues and the community will have positive outcomes, as well (Lehrer, 2007).

Every adult can remember an experience of a teacher that either made learning easy, or made learning painful. Every student has had the opportunity to be the outstanding student, or the difficult one. Good student-teacher relationships stem from the choices that are made before school ever begins, and how those choices are carried out on a daily basis. There are, however, a few tips to make this process easier for both parties, and when a student and teacher have a strong relationship, everyone benefits.

Description of the Current Situation Including Challenges

In America, where, African Americans form a major percentage of population, are continuously being neglected the right to acquire education. This trend has continued ever since. The African Americans are being discriminated on the basis of colour, race, and socioeconomic status. According a report, published by the Department of Education in 2008, approximately 52 percent of African American students dropped out of schools due to various reasons. This percentage is higher as compared to the students of other ethnic groups, with the least being 13 percent for Asian minority groups.

There are many factors that have contributed to the prevailing situation in schools. Increasing crime rate, poverty, homelessness, to name a few are some of the major factors that have influenced the overall psyche of students, who do not want to attend school for reasons mentioned above. One of the major concerns for the African American students is the inability to cope up with the stressful situations during their academic life.

Therefore, the training programs at Green Valley School will differ significantly depending on the target audience and purpose of training. It is necessary to design training programs based on the intellectual and absorbing ...
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