Learning And Development

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Learning And Development


To know and address the gaps or the needs between an existing and preferred situation, a systematic study is undertaken known as Needs assessment. The difference that exists between the current and required state, needs to be measured to identify the needs. This need may mean a need to correct a situation or improve a given state. For a successful planning process conducting a need analysis is important. This is usually done for improvement in individuals, groups or organizations / communities (William, 2005. pp. xviii).

Learning Needs Assessment is a method of inquiry of needs of a Company, to identify the important goals and for the purpose of taking decisions and systematic inquiry of training needs within an organization and finding the resources required for the purpose within the given environment and with respect to the goals and objectives set. The importance the learning need assessment has several benefits that include, needs of training for success in business, developing a training design that fits needs, identify factors that have an impact on performance, ensuring success and survival of the function of Learning and the evaluation of the learning activities.


Learning and Development Needs of Individuals and Groups

The important thing with respect to the learning and development needs is to understand how these needs arise and what are they. Learning need assessment is done to diagnose the problems that are present and that may arise in future and can be resolve through trainings (Kim, 1997. pp. n.d). However, it must be kept in mind that it is not the 'cure for all' problems faced by the organization. The cause for the needs of learning and development that may arise for individuals and teams are:

Expansion of Company or Relocation or Repositioning

In today's, global environment there is a need for companies to diversify and expand their business nationally as well as globally to stay and thrive in the market. For this purpose there is a need to evaluate the skills and knowledge of the workforce and provide them with the required skills and technology to meet the challenges of expansion.

That's where the training and learning and development come into picture. Companies spend huge amounts on training and development of their employees in the desired areas. (William et.al, 2004.pp. 4)

For Productivity and Efficiency

Skilled labor and workforce are the companies most valued assets. They are the means through which companies make money and earn profits. It is crucial for a company to spend on the learning needs of its employees in the areas they need improvement and train them to meet the day to day challenges and improve their work efficiency and productivity.


Learning and Developmental activities are important for keeping your employees motivated and focused on the job and its value. Without learning programs and a sense of growth and development, the employees feel dissatisfied and less interested in the work and job. In order to keep employees motivated the management has to keep an employee centered approach with great ...
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