Left Brained Approach

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Left Brained Approach And Its Impact On Strategic Planning In Transnational Organisations

Left Brained Approach And Its Impact On Strategic Planning In Transnational Organisations

A strategy for the brain will take into account how the brain is currently challenged by the (1) demand to produce better cognitive capabilities; (2) a demand for more of its free time and energy; (3) expectations to perform operations for an expected extension of years far beyond what it has known in the past; (4) an increasing rate of neurological degeneration as a result of an increased lifespan; and (2) the need to keep up with the acceleration of competitive new super intelligences.

There is need to understand what strategic plan is, in order to know how to deal with succession planning & skill inventory of an organization therefore will can defined strategic planning as a management tool, used for one purpose, that is to help on organization to do a better job(Kabbash 1994) to focus its energy, to ensure that members of the organization are working towards, the same goals, to asses and adjust to organization's direction in response to a change environment. In short strategic planning is a disciplined effort to produce fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what an organization is, what it does and why it doe it with a focus on the future. This definition provides the key elements that underline the meaning and success of a strategic planning process, the process is strategic because it involve preparing the best way to respond to the circumstances of the organizations, being strategic then means being clear about the organization objective being a were of the organization resources and incorporating both into being consciously responsive to a dynamic environment. (Guiard 1987)

The process is disciplined in that it calls for certain order and pattern to keep it focused and productive, the process raises a sequence of questions that helps to examine experience, test assumptions, gather and incorporate information about the present and anticipate the environment in which the organization will be operating in the future. (Hardyck 1977)

The three main steps are:

Formulation of the organizations future mission in light of changing external factors such as competition, technology, customers and regulation

Development at a competitive strategy to achieve its mission

Creation of an organizational structure which would deploy resources to successfully carry out its competitive strategy (Kabbash 1994)

Having understood what strategic plan is, we can define succession planning, In today's highly competitive global environment, human capital in an organizations most important asset, it is ongoing effort to develop a strong and capable workforce and also to bridge the competency gap such that at the exit of a key player in an organization, a competent replacement is available to man such key position. Succession planning focuses on three main areas. (Guiard 1987)

First it addresses the needs of the organization as senior management ages. It is not unusual for a management top particularly CEO to spend years leading an organization, during that period business pratices and procedures ...
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