Liberal Democracy

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Liberal democracy

Liberal democracy


Liberal democracy is a particular form of democracy that is based on a set of fundamental assumptions about the individual, the State and society. What are these assumptions and to what extent successful liberal democracy in its main objectives?

In 1989 Francis Fukuyama declared the end of the story saying that with the collapse of world communism and the almost universal acceptance of liberal democracy, that man had finally found the ultimate solution. As time passes this view is increasingly challenged, but there is no doubt that liberal democracy is currently the most favoured around the world to the problem of government (Burns, 1991, 33).

Discussion and Analysis

But liberal democracy is a word that is used for all these easily to a kind of utopian vision, always without questioning their basic tenants, or even defines properly. To do this we must examine the assumptions made, and to see if in fact represents the end of history as Fukuyama suggested, we must look at their goals and see if and how much has been achieved.

I have the intention to work through the basic assumptions of liberal democracy is based on, which covers some of the arguments that exist about them and then move on to show how many goals as liberal democracy, as there are people involved in it, but there are some fundamental objectives to be achieved to enable this.

Liberal democracy is a development of the synthesis of liberalism and republican democracy. It differs a bit of both and a lot of other forms of democracy as democracy Marxist. It is necessary to give a brief definition of liberalism and democracy to show that they are not as closely related as its title suggests joint. Synominous liberalism is the freedom and protection of natural law and now a civil rights violation "of the government. Democracy is defined in the Oxford English Dictionary, 1933 as:

Government by the people, that form of government in which sovereign power resides in a village as a whole, and exercised directly by them ... or by officers elected by them.

The strength of liberalism in democracy is necessary to protect and thus acts as a constraint to some extent on the level of "democratization," but it is also necessary for the basic functioning of democracy to continue (Cnuddle, 1989, 78).

Liberal democracy is a series of things that I allow the reader to divide each state, and society because of the overlap between the three. Liberal democracy means that the individual has both human rights and civil rights. Human rights are considered above the law made by man and are derived from the notion of natural law, there is much discussion about what this is, but generally include equity and usually private property.

Civil rights may vary from country to country but should include some basic concepts that allow the individual and society as a whole to discuss and disseminate opinions in order to participate meaningfully in a democracy. Fundamental rights including freedom of expression - including print and ...
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