Linux As An Operating System

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Linux as an Operating System


Linux as an Operating System

Linux is for users who do not want to deal with the protection of the PC and still require a secure and flexible operating system. The security level of a Linux distribution is already very high after installation. The programmed for Windows viruses, Trojans and malware cannot harm a Linux distribution and saving the user the usual precautions to protect the operating system. Depending on the system performance, the user has many desktop environments such as; KDE, GNOME, XFCE, LXDE, Flux box, Unity, etc. Linux is open source and free UNIX type of OS, it has versatile versions and it can beused with the KERNEL. On a wide range of devices of computer hardware Linux can be installed like the Tablet Computers, Mobile Phones, Video games, Routers, Desktop Computers, Consoles, Supercomputers and mainframes.

In the Programming Language C, Linux is written in and has the variant used by the compiler GCC (which has introduced a number of changes and extensions to the C standard), along with some small sections of code written in assembly language. By the use of the language extensions, GCC was long the only compiler capable of correctly building Linux. However, Intel said to have modified its C compiler so that would compile correctly (Silberschatz & Galvin, 1998).

Specific Characteristics

Completely Free

Linux is a free operating system, the user can be obtained free of charge via the Internet or other means and its source code can be freely modified. This is the other operating systems cannot do. It is because of this, many programmers from around the world to participate in the modification of Linux, written work, the programmer can change according to their own interests and inspiration that makes Linux absorbed the essence of many programmers.

Fully Compatible with POSIX 1.0 Standard ...
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