Lipid Rafts, Micro Particles/Micro Vesicles And Coagulation Proteins

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Lipid rafts, Micro particles/Micro Vesicles and Coagulation Proteins

Lipid rafts, Micro particles/Micro Vesicles and Coagulation Proteins


Published in print in the middle of 2009 monograph is devoted to coverage of the unknown until recently, thrombotic mechanisms implemented by the insertion of a blood cell microparticles. Particles represent areas of the cytoplasm of 0.1 - 1.0 micron, separated from adjacent cells with a membrane in the form of bubbles - microvesicles. Professor DM ZUBAIROV was the first who proved (in 1974) that microvesicles are procoagulant blood (tromboplasticheskuyu) activity. The significance of this fact was unclear until the formation of microvesicles was not associated with the violation asymmetry phospholipid composition of cell membranes. This is reflected in the developed DM Zubairova together with employees of the functional concept of initiation of blood coagulation (hematology and transfusion, ? 4, 1991), reported at the last Soviet Conference on koaguologii in Poltava in 1991, Follow-up studies the role of microvesicles in the blood clotting in Russia and the world were essentially within ideology of the concept. However, to date, it became clear that the flow of microvesicles in the blood has a much broader meaning in the norm and in pathology than simply initiating trombinogeneza. It seems the expected and necessary analysis of the problem of specialists who have direct relevance to its formation and development. Monograph DM Zubairova and LD Zubairova - the first in the world, summarizing research education microvesicles in blood cells and endothelial connection with the implementation of this process the cells of immune response, inflammatory reaction and haemostatic potential.


This monograph contains the following sections: introduction, detection microvesicles in blood platelets - donator and acceptor microvesicles, erythrocytic microvesicles, microvesicles leukocyte, endothelium - donator and acceptor microvesicles, microvesicles involved in the development of DIC syndrome, conclusion. Each section has a list of cited papers. In the book, 5 tables and 22 figure.

In the introduction, the authors show that all cells of the inherent asymmetry of the phospholipid composition of membranes is provided by the special energy-enzyme complex. On admission to the cytoplasm of calcium ions, controlled by signaling mechanisms or uncontrolled cell apoptosis and mechanical damage of the work referred to the enzyme complex is inhibited. Is a local weakening of the membrane with the cytoskeleton, a rapid transition phosphatidylserine from the inner into the outer leaflet and its acquisition of the data portion of the membrane more stable state in a separate bubble - microvesicles. At the same time in the microvesicles are also included, and many cytoplasmic and membrane proteins of the original cells, in particular, tissue factor. Exposure of phosphatidylserine could allow binding to the surface of microvesicles plasma coagulation factors, their activation and subsequent clotting.

Next, the authors examine research methods microvesicles. Possible to isolate microvesicles from plasma by ultracentrifugation, ultrafiltration or electrophoresis and follow them through electron microscopy. Quantitative determination of microvesicles in the blood is carried out at the present time usually flow cytometry bestrombotsitarnoy plasma by recording the number of ...
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