Malcolm X And The Nation Of Islam

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Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam


Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam


The purpose this paper is to examine the history of both Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam as well as it will analyze the impacts that their contributions have on contemporary religion and politics in American society. Nation of Islam (Nation of Islam) is a political organization, religious American, the source of most organizations Muslim community's current African American. Nation of Islam (NOI) for not publishing statistics, estimates of its members are very different, but in 2003, according to Hakeem Lumumba, there would be between 20,000 and 40,000.

Nation of Islam was founded in Detroit in the north of the United States in 1930 by Wallace Fard Muhammad , the Nation of Islam believed to be the "Messiah" (or "mahdi") awaited by the Muslims, and same God (Allah) incarnate. The ideology developed by the organization is a mixture of Afro-American nationalism and religion. The latter is inspired by Islam, but is far from orthodox Islam. The NOI is considered a cult by most Muslim organizations. Nation of Islam movement becomes officially Muslim Sunni shortly after the death of Elijah Muhammad in 1975. A group of militants refused this approach leaves the organization in 1978, and takes the name of Nation of Islam, which had been abandoned by the parent organization. In keeping with the ideology of origins, despite some changes, the "new" NOI is directed from the split of 1978 by Louis Farrakhan. This is the beginning of the twenty-first century leader for the African American community.

Background Information

Nation of Islam

Nation of Islam inspired by various religious organizations and / or Black Nationalist, emerged in the United States in the early twentieth century, in reaction to the racial segregation that African Americans lived. Politically, it can be mentioned in particular the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIA), founded in the United States by Marcus Garvey in 1917, which campaigned for the return of blacks to Africa, and developed a strong black nationalism. At the religious groups (claiming to Judaism, of Christianity or of Islam) developed a thought turned into privileged blacks.

This organization offers a number of similarities with what is Nation of Islam from 1930, and seems to have influenced. Regarding the formation of the ideology of the movement, the exact share to be attributed to the founder Wallace Fard Muhammad, and the one attributed to Elijah Muhammad is still difficult to establish. Although the NOI put forward its religious nature, the slope of the socio-political ideology is no less strongly affirmed. The ideological vision of Nation of Islam was formalized in the Muslim Program of 1965, still in force, but most of these issues were already clearly stated in the 1930s. Despite of some moderation in the interpretation of basic principles (in particular the rejection of white), the NOI of the early twenty-first century was ideological positioning very similar to its beginning.

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