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The topic of marijuana legalization has been a hot topic for many years. There are negative and positive arguments for both sides. I believe that the legalization of Marijuana would be a great benefit for out country and the world. However, in the type of world we live in, it is very hard to separate the truth from the lies. One person admits to lying about marijuana for a public-health campaign.There are many positive aspects of Marijuana, that of which have been proven. There are many legal drugs that you can purchase are more harmful then marijuana. My opinions on the legalization of marijuana are based on a number of factors.

Which brings up the questions, why not legalize marijuana as medical drug? Which is proven to be less dangerous than heavy painkillers and morphine. It is possible to overdose on painkillers and morphine, while with Marijuana it is a fact that there has never been a proven case of a death because someone had overdosed on marijuana. It is well known that painkillers and morphine contain Dopamine, a chemical which makes you believe you need that drug. Marijuana does not contain this chemical, hence, it is not addictive. (Bakalar, 145)

Marijuana can also be used for medical purposes. Marijuana could be used as a medical benefit for patients who have cancer. It also helps patients with AIDS by giving the patient a sensation to eat(A). Marijuana can also help symptoms from getting worse with patients with glaucoma. It is also known that Marijuana could be a great substitute for painkillers. Even scientists like" Timothy Leary, Carl Segan, Sigmund Freud, Richard Feynman, Stephen Jay Gould, Andrew Weil and Kary Mullis credited Marijuana partly for their success(Kassirer, 42).

Thesis Statement

The legalization of marijuana as a prescription drug should be allowed. Medical research shows that marijuana has therapeutic value in patients with various types of cancers, some neurological disorders, and AIDS patients. The marijuana eases some of the effects of chemotherapy such as nausea and dizziness. It also controls muscle spasms and contractions and aids in the relaxation of patients with neurological disorders.

Marijuana should be used because it is a safe alternative from more dangerous drugs. Plus, Marijuana is not addictive, the cravings are equivalent to craving chocolate. Marijuana is less addictive than caffeine, tobacco and alcohol. So why is it that tobacco and alcohol are legal? Because the leaders of our country are also customers of these products. Would you ban the same items you use because they might be harmful, that would eliminate most products off the shelves.( Lacayo, 6)

There is also the issue of how much this country spends each year to try to keep marijuana from hitting the streets. This country spends over 15 billions dollars each year on the drug war, this amount would be much reduced if marijuana was legal. We wouldn't have to spend tax money on jailing dealers or court cases linked to marijuana crimes. Not only would we have to spend much less on drug enforcement, we ...