Mark Twains Cornpone

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Mark Twains Cornpone


The famous American writer Mark Twain was born in the village of Florida, Missouri, in 1835. Mark Twain - Samuel Langhorne only an alias Clemens, and the first note, signed by the famous nickname, refers to 1863 (Lunsford & John: 84). Childhood of the writer went on the Mississippi, in the town of Hannibal, known to readers all over the world under the name of St. Petersburg. Samuel Clemens came from a family whose fate is closely intertwined with the American Frontier the border of the civilized lands of America. Hannibal at the time was the last outpost of civilization, and then walked almost undeveloped land. On another bepegy Mississippi began territory free from slavery. Hannibal ran across the path of immigrants to the West, the way of slaves, who were taken to the river to the cotton plantations in its lower reaches, and the path of runaway slaves.

Early Life

Samuel Clemens from childhood worked as an apprentice printer, sold newspapers, led steamboats on the Mississippi, and worked as a secretary to his brother in the state of Nevada, in the governor's office, a prospector. Then he was introduced to journalism, and in 1867 he began his career as a professional writer. In 1888, Clemens graduated from Yale University in New Haven (Conn.), there was an honorary Doctor of Letters degree, honorary representative of the University (Kirsner & Stephen: 41).

Mark Twain was a representative democratic school American literature; Twain is a democratic attitude and helped him to create the work, which is a blend of the previous achievements of American art, without becoming mere imitator or authority of the traditions.

In the works of Mark Twain came completely natural synthesis of romanticism and realism is one of the conditions for a large realistic art (Wilso: 54). His work, in part prepared and romantics and realists 50s, it became a point of crossing of diverse artistic tendencies. But the romance was not the "appendage" to the realism of Twain, but organic quality of his perception of the world that determined the whole internal structure of his works. Even a superficial contact with them there, as in all the phenomena of high realism, the ability to combine "romantically beautiful" with "realistic everyday," he was able to synthesize these concepts.

In the works of Mark Twain American realism has found his characteristic artistic image with all of its defining features: grotesque, symbols, metaphors, inner lyricism and closeness to nature. This made ??a decisive shift in the artistic development of America. In this case, the heir to the great American Classic XIX century and was a staunch opponent of the irreconcilable. The struggle with the romantic writer was of an exceptionally dedicated and permanent and continued throughout his career. Twain was the cause of a different understanding of the main tasks of art - the problem playing the truth of life. Following the romantics he sang the beauty of "natural" is not crippled civilization phenomena of life, shared their hatred for everything false, artificial, but ...
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