Medication Management

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Medication Management

Medication Management: Case Study

Medication Management: Case Study

1.What is your understanding of the link between smoking and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)?

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is also known as Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease. These terms are used to refer to chronic respiratory diseases including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. These conditions are caused by the obstruction to air flow in the airways of the lungs and will normally interferes with normal breathing. (Hilleman, 2006)

The persistent inflammation of the airways or bronchi of the lungs is the main cause in chronic bronchitis. As for emphysema, it is due to damage to the smaller airways or bronchioles and air sacs or alveoli of the lungs. Most people with COPD have a mix of both emphysema and bronchitis. (Hankinson, 2005)

Smoking is the main culprit in most chronic obstructive pulmonary disease cases. Smoking damages the lining of the airways of the lungs which become inflamed and damaged. Another cause is air pollution including polluted word conditions.

Smoking will cause damage to a smoker's airways. Once these airways are damaged it cannot be reversed. So if you smoke , quitting is the single most important step a smoker can take. When you quit or stop smoking, you will make a huge difference to the rate at which your disease progresses. It can help to prevent the progression of the condition.

Even if a smoker is fairly advanced in their chronic obstructive lung disease, it is never to late to stop smoking. The benefit is significant because you are able to prevent further progression of the disease. However, please remember that the earlier a smoker quit, the smaller is the degree of permanent damage to the lungs.

Currently there is no cure. However, medications are available and can treat the symptoms and complications associated with the disease. The best alternative is a lifestyle change to minimise the progression of the condition. (Hilleman, 2006)

Cough is usually the first symptom to develop. It is a "wet" cough or cough with phlegm or sputum. In the early stages a person will experience intermittent, on and off, type of coughing. As the condition worsens, the cough becomes more persistent. "Smoker's Cough" is what it is most commonly referred. (Hankinson, 2005)

Excessive sputum is caused by the excessive damage to the airways. This will contribute to the formation of excessive sputum and hence resulting in a "wet" cough

Shortness of breath or breathlessness due to simple exertion, example when you climb stairs, will worsen as the disease progresses over the years. In more advance stage of COLD, breathlessness can also occur when a person is resting. It can be very distressing.

COPD will worsen when a person catches a cold/flu or even in the presence of air pollution. Sometimes it can lead to an acute exacerbation or acute episode.

There are four ways your doctor will use to determine if you suffering from COPD or showing symptoms of the disease: (Jorenby, 2006)

check if you have cough, excessive sputum and breathlessness

check if you have risk factors for developing the ...
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