Methods Of Pollution Prevention In Different Manufacturing Industries

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Methods of Pollution Prevention in Different Manufacturing Industries

Methods of Pollution Prevention in Different Manufacturing Industries


The “Pollution Prevention (P2)” stands for the reduction or elimination in pollution at the resource that it by no means goes into the atmosphere in the initial position. It is a positive mode to manage the environment. It is not the similar to the control of pollution, which is dealing with the pollution at the “ending of the pipeline” once it has been produced.

The main environmental component of sustainable development is a move toward prevention. The long-term goal of environmental protection is to prevent waste and pollutant formation and produce durable, recyclable and less dangerous. Although all methods of environmental protection provide some benefits, it remains as it is at the top of the hierarchy of environmental protection that are the best opportunities to reduce environmental risks and costs associated with it.


What causes pollution? The main sources of contamination include: bacteria (and other micro-organisms present in a large amount), chemical (organic and inorganic materials present in the form of a variety of solutions, colloids and suspensions). The chemical composition of water is determined by natural factor (decomposition forming part of the soil and rocks, development and death of aquatic organisms), anthropogenic factor. The most common anthropogenic pollution of surface waters are pesticides and surfactants, phenols, heavy metals (lead, chromium, copper, cadmium, mercury, and zinc), hydrocarbons that make up petroleum, chlorinated biphenyl derivatives and the so-called heated water. Pollution is very harmful for surface waters characterized by slight movement and stagnant water. The big drawback of anthropogenic contaminants is that many toxic to aquatic organisms. The largest amount of pollution enters the water with sewage. Other important sources of pollution include water and land transport, pesticides and fertilizers, municipal and industrial waste.


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