Mike Tyson According To Adler's Theory

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Mike Tyson according to Adler's Theory

Mike Tyson according to Adler's Theory


According to the theory of Adler, the most basic human desire is the desire to be part of a community, enter into it, and find its place in it. To accomplish this desire, men are scheduled specific goals; determine what they should do or who to be. In this case, however, they are concerned about their usefulness, and often have misconceptions about human life. Clients may be relatively easy to recognize that, to aspire to, and then see yourself striving towards these goals in different situations. Adlerian psychotherapy is concerned with understanding and evaluating the private and unique strategies and beliefs of the individual which are created in childhood and also serve as important references to the private views, attitudes and behaviors of self and others, and the world. For this paper the personality of most famous boxer Mike Tyson is studied from the view point Adler's theory.


According to the theory of Adler a person engage himself in unusual or abnormal behavior in order to protect his or her own viewpoint and self for example when they face failure or threatened with insecurity. This situations lead them towards wither inferiority complex which is overwhelmed by the feelings of hopelessness and inadequacy while high opinions about own self bring the superiority complex. The person either becomes self centered or inclined towards destructive behaviors. The psychological processes of an individual are influenced by the circumstances he faces. Similar happened to the Mike Tyson who was born in Brownsville, the most depressed and violent New York borough of Brooklyn. He lived all his life around a high-crime neighborhood. His inner side was full of violence and rage. He had a inferiority complex about his status in the society and as Adler said that inferiority feelings are not abnormal but behaving inferior is problematic (Mosak 1995). That is what happened to Mike Tyson who at the age of eleven was involved in crimes and had a gang of himself. At twelve he became head of a band. Although he claims he never fired, was shot several times. After several arrests was sent to Tryon House, a rehabilitation center in upstate New York.

Adler believed that most of the problems an individual faces are social that is why he should be seen in social context (Daniels, 1998). According to his theory individual strive for perfection and to secure a better ...
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