Mind And Body Connection

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Mind and Body Connection

Mind and Body Connection


The concept of mind-body connection has been a recent development, which has become the center of focus for many biologists, neurologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, neuroscientists, neurobiologists as well as many other people of profound educational backgrounds. Dr. Candace Pert, David Felten, Dr. John Ratey and many other learned people have proposed theories that point towards the existence of a strong relationship between the mind and body. This paper is aimed at presenting as well as discussing the concepts and theories of such people for the purpose of determining whether or not is there correlation between mind and body, and if there is a link, how strong is it.


The mind and body connection is influenced by internal and external events and requirements. Through this connection, life, health and well-being can be controlled. The control is best when unhindered exchange of information between the organ systems is possible. If a man considered self-regulating system, is essential for its health and its auto-regulation undisturbed transmission of information.

The autonomic nervous system is the basic regulatory system in the human organism and the link between the interactions of body, mind and emotions. This relationship is described as a mind and body connection. This complex interaction process may be referred to as Bio-regulation. Thoughts and emotions are to be understood as a complex pattern of information, acting together with determination and motivation on the structural level (Weiss, 2001). Only then can the undoubted connection between the mind and body be understood. In interaction with the hormone system, the autonomic nervous system is the most important information system within the mind and body connection (Doucerain & Schwartz, 2010). The Bio-regulations is a new method that regulates the interaction between the body and mind. The complex control loop of the psyche, nervous system, endocrine system and immune system is controlled by a central autonomic control. To understand and be able to understand this relationship, it is time to abolish the separation of still existing idea that mind and body are completely different areas of a human being (Weiss, 2001).

Researchers had begun to collect evidence of mind and body connection since the mid-70s, beginning with the discovery of endorphins, the "good" hormones that are supposed to block chronic pain. After a few years, scientists of the University of Tennessee conducted surveillance in order to determine whether or not a person's thoughts influence the level of endorphins in body. Tennessee researchers worked with a group of patients suffering from "incurable" low back pain, which posed positive results for about 30% of patients who said that they felt better. However, the rise of the level of endorphins despite the fact that no actual treatment was given to them (placebo), clearly indicated that the relief was induced from the mind rather than the medicine. It was not the placebo that relived pain, but the belief that the medicine will be curing them, which in turn triggered the production of endorphins relieving the pain (Doucerain & Schwartz, ...
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