Morality And Relativism

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Morality and Relativism

Morality and Relativism


The world in which we tend to live in is based on our actions and sometimes those actions lack any moral ground. Therefore, Lenn Goodman is right when he argues that, in this world, there are certain things, which are simply, wrong and cannot be justified under any circumstances. I tend to agree with his approach that there are certain moral rules which need to be followed in order to live in this world. Therefore, going against those set guidelines will clearly disturb the balance of the society. In the context of this paper, we tend to shed light on factors around which Lenn Goodman crafted his view.


In “Some Moral Minima” Lenn Goodman argues that there are obvious things, which cannot be, defended and should be considered wrong irrespective of the perspective. Slavery, Polygamy, and Incest are counted among those things which fail to stand on any moral ground. Other than these there are several other issues in this world which should not be defended. In my opinion Lenn Goodman tends to take the right approach, since one cannot defend or craft any moral ground for rape just because it was a way for the individual to fulfill his desire or killing someone to serve your own purpose.

He tends to argue that everyone individual in this world has the right to do things as per his or her will. All individuals share the same rights irrespective of their social or economic status. Although, there are undisputed balances, which needs to, be maintained in order to live and survive in this society. Those who tend to go against those rules needs to be punished since they do not have the right to do so. If everyone in this world is equal than why should individuals be allowed ...
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