Movies Classification

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Movies Classification

Movies Classification


The classification system cinema films offer the public the opportunity to see the kind of content they can expect when watching, buying or renting a movie. The main purpose is to provide information in advance so that parents can determine if the content is appropriate for their children. This classification is done to target the appropriate target market. This paper is supposed to identify different categories of movies including;

Science fiction films - have the progression from the unknown to the known for the discovery of a series of enigmas.

Romantic Movies - emphasize loving and romantic elements.

Comedy - films made ??with the intention of provoking humor, entertainment and / or laughter in the audience.

Children - aimed at children.

Science-Fiction Movies

Science-fiction films are often quasi-scientific, imaginative - along with their heroes, aliens, distant planets, impossible quests, improbable circumstances, fantastic places, great dark villains, future technologies, unknown or unknowable forces, with all sorts of things or creatures from outer space, unusual monsters created a mad scientist, or by mutation after a nuclear holocaust. Sometimes these movies are the ramifications of fairy tales and can sometimes border on the militants or adventure. Science fiction often expresses the potential of technology with regard to the possible destruction of humanity and thus readily overlaps with horror films.

Science fiction fantasy updates and issues arising with medical advances and changes in laws and manners (Acker, 1991). Each period of science-fiction film reflects the fears and hopes of his time: fear of nuclear Apocalypse in the years 50-60 (The Day the Earth Stood Still, War of the Worlds ...) BEYOND fear decline society in the years 70-80 (Soylent Green, Blade Runner, New York, 1997), fear of a eugenics society or a virtual world in the 90s (Gattaca, Matrix, The Truman Show), Eco Theme of saving the planet from the 70s, and of course fascination with the "new woman", whether embodied by Sigourney Weaver or Linda Hamilton.

The other key aspect of science-fiction films is their imagery and the pleasure it provides and claims all the science-fiction to serious ideas is to deprive a party of her charms visual, soon, reports: robots sturdy and sexy heroines struggling with muscular slimy alien's mutations hideous body, but also beep-beep and the technical jargon and futuristic.

The strength of science fiction films: Successfully reaching viewers of all generations, for their spectacular, sometimes "popcorn movie", almost childish, and at the same time talking about the place of man in the universe, to question the world and its future.

Adventure Films

The classic, popular commentary on the myth of the hero is Joseph Campbell's The Hero with a Thousand Faces (1949/2004). Campbell called the hero myth a monomyth (a term taken from the novelist James Joyce) because he argued its motifs can be found in all cultures. Many academic critics dispute this claim, preferring, instead, to emphasize the differences between cultural myths. Whatever the merits of the academic argument, Campbell's ideas have had a powerful influence in popular culture, especially in business leadership books and in ...
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