My Aim In Life

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My Aim in Life

My Aim in Life


I will start my position paper to explain the experiences of my background, personal and professional, then I will describe my work in the voluntary sector, I have learned for example, interpersonal skills and my goal to become a worker social.

My Aim in Life

From childhood I have been inspired by the work of my father as he, as a nurse and has worked for organizations like the Red Cross of AMI, with the aim of alleviating suffering and pain of others in countries like Rwanda, and Jordan.

I grew up with the spirit of humanitarianism to help others overcome their problems, and always fight against discrimination, social inequality and oppression, poverty. I was born in Mozambique, and went to Portugal when he was four years because of civil war at that time, my adaptation was very difficult because of different cultures, and discrimination against black people like Marcus Garvey quote reads: " A people without knowledge of their past history origin and culture is like a tree without roots. "It was the way it felt, not understanding where I pertains was when I was in high school, I was asked for to work for a benevolent society called Casa de Mozambique, I accepted because it was a way to stay close to my homeland and my roots The aim of this benevolent society was to alleviate social inequalities that young kids and the aged are facing in Mozambique, which sent apparel, publications, medicines, and a allocate to buy medical equipment, work with the newspapers, and more Malagatana one of the best artists in Africa, we did an event that encourages the heritage of Mozambique, was a achievement from other agencies, started to offer their help, and presents occupational training to encourage ethnic minorities to come back to learning and work, which educated courses such as hairdressing, plumbing and catering, the project did well we have worked with the High Commissioner for ethnic minorities helped meor to understand the effort that had to do to combat oppresión and all types of discrimination, communal and economic development. In the same year as the charity was invited by a charity Mozambique to go there to try to raise funds for the construction of a small school in an orphanage where children were abandoned by their families or have lost parents This trip I noticed a lot to see poverty and living conditions, especially the children I could see in their faces without hope, happiness and future, some of them really need therapy, but it was not easy for agreeing to work with other organizations and the media making the pressure that could begin construction of the school. This experience made me realize I wanted to do a degree in international relations and politics, but it was a Portuguese, and had renounced the nationality of Mozambique, it would be difficult for a diplomat or a politician in Mozambique, Portugal, because of my home, friends and family counseling ...
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