Narrative Story

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Narrative Story


In some manner, past schooling is taken as a prison experience for the most part. In view of my parents, I was compelled and obliged to follow a set of rules and principles of parents and teachers; along with peers, had to stay to a specified limit well restricting the potential for excellence. In high school, however, as a student, exercised a greater degree of independence. My parents allowed choosing the modules that interested me. Parents were told by some of the friends, that their child was rather too pushy for changing others and the educational system. Parents knew that their child wanted things in his way all the time.


My parents told me that I was in high school when got a chance to interact with students having diverse cultural and educational backgrounds where learned and improved communication skills and developed a greater degree of tolerance.

Educational Direction

Parents knew that, in the primary, their child was not very bright student upon entering high school I started to like school and school grades go up considerably. By the end of the second year in school, had turned rather serious towards what career goal was. I would explore many academic and professional degrees over the Internet, weighing various alternatives and investigating the career demands of each alternative, but the more I investigated the more complex it appeared. According to parents, then one of the teachers helped in this. The child should develop and clarify personal and professional values before choosing a career path. For personal values, I easily spotted my family, health and music. For professional values, it is crucial to discover that the most important for me were confidentiality, loyalty and time.

According to parents, having done with values, their child chose courses accordingly and realized the value idea worked well for me. He could easily manage my studies and had not to bother about my personal time. In fact, he was helping his friends solving problems related to their study.

In fact, he could even help them manage their time without compromising their grades at all. Though he must admit he was a bit scary and poorer in subjects such as physics and mathematics, he was contrastingly better in Sociology and Communication. He developed such an obsession for excelling these subjects that he took an online course for each of these subjects. As regards to personal life, as a father it is important to tell he was then more complacent, less complaining and irritating.

This was also evident in the classroom, when he elected as the term class representative. All this has helped my child in devising his career goal to be the managing forces of a big multinational company. Like many of us know, we can get the value for education are many; however, he would like to highlight some that he considers important. It includes trust, lets you know who you are and where you can get. Freedom, you can make your decisions more rationale. Happiness because it is a very subjective ...
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