Nascar Racing: How It Has Evolved And Changed Over The Last Century

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NASCAR RACING: how it has evolved and changed over the last century

NASCAR only became what it is because of moonshine runners running from police! NASCAR is great American waste-time. Brain fall dead trailer trash watching vehicles propel in the circle while inhaling exhaust fumes. Little marvel they support Bush.

It is the games just as much as expert wrestling is. So, it is NOT the sport. They aren't doing anything sport-like. Seriously, all NASCAR is, is an assortment of redneck hillbillies going by car round in the freaking circle.

Real racing is finished on open wheel, sports car circuits and European rally circuits. NASCAR is the humiliation to American culture.

If there are no athletes, how can it be the sport? In person I have the hard time considering auto rushing, golf or yacht rushing as sports.

NASCAR requires: strength, flexibility, timing, endurance, and intelligence, quick-thinking. Need I go on???It is the sport. Just because there is not the ball or puck involved, that doesn't exclude it from being the sport. NASCAR is an affray that thousands of persons attend each week, even more watch it from home.

In the statistical survey, NASCAR is most watched televised games.

"There are only 3 sports. Mountain climbing, bull fighting, and auto racing, all rest are merely games."- Earnest Hemmingway There is so much to this sport that you can't even figure it out.

If you knew the bit about SPORT you would realize that all drivers and pit crew members are ATHLETES. ATHLETES play SPORTS.

NASCAR is the game of affray, endurance and strategy.

"Any person who conceives NASCAR drivers aren't athletes, I invite them to drive 500 laps at evening at Bristol. That will shut them up - Darrell Waltrip NASCAR is name of league. The sport is auto racing (Encarta online, 2010).

According to Encarta lexicon, games (noun) is an one-by-one or group competitive activity engaging personal exertion or ability, governed by rules, and sometimes committed in professionally. It is synonymous with game, undertaking and athletics. Encarta Encyclopedia characterizes professional Sports as athletic events undertook for earnings by entrepreneurs who pay athletes based on their popularity and performance.

Does NASCAR fit definition of sport? Any auto race is the competitive undertaking engaging skill. Any auto rush is ruled by rules. NASCAR events are undertaken for earnings by entrepreneurs who pay athletes based on their attractiveness and performance. To completely fit encyclopedia delineation of expert games however, it must be very resolute if undertaking is athletic.

The phrase athletics originates in Greek work athlos, which means contest. The Encarta lexicon defines athletics as undertakings such as sports and personal exercises that need personal ability and strength. Most persons acquiesce that an auto rush also engages physical effort, especially the professional rush that utilizes groups of men and women to complete multiple jobs very quickly.

By delineation, then, NASCAR and other auto rushes are sports. Does that fully response inquiry is NASCAR the sport? The question requires the deeper understanding of questioners' motives to find the full and accurate answer.

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