Nature And Nurture

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Nature and Nurture


Psychology is usually defined as: The science that deals with the behavior and mental processes. Currently, there are basically two popular schools of thought and behavior geneticists, nature and nurture old war. Geneticists tend to think that human behavior is derived from the inheritance and instinct. Often in the news, any research report details how the claim that "genetic predisposition" is the "Republican" or "smoking." This supports our world is the "pre" and behavior in some way, even subtle differences and addiction is a "genetic" or "instinct" in some respect. Behaviorists, on the other hand, as a regulator of the person exposed to the environment based on the product. Thus, a person's behavior has raised from the experience or training from the source of thought, by a learned understanding (Bass, p. 1-30) trigger. The action / belief system, and then led the study, rather than genetic or instinct. 


There is a popular method to determine the extent and nature of the role played nurture is the study of identical and fraternal twins or multiple siblings from the date. Similar because the brothers come from the same zygote and are genetically the same (Carole, pp. 101-45). One example is the famous study of the history includes multiple aligned Genain identical twins, which were all diagnosed with schizophrenia. Two methods have been proved to be especially useful for this purpose and, more generally, the natural nurture debate. The first is the double of research methods. To estimate the genetic individuals who share the same environment, the researchers who study among twins is the same, or monozygotic (MZ) on the similarity, which means they were born of a sperm and egg fertilization is a hundred percent of the gene copies to each other. The researchers also studied the range of same-sex twin brothers who, or dizygotic (DZ) of similarity, which means they are independent sperm birth, two eggs, like other siblings, share only about 50 million per the same genes. The similarities and differences between twin's similarities and differences between groups were compared (Simpson, pp. 472-478). In a way, inheritance is an important factor in development; identical twins grow up to be more similar to the one than the other same-sex fraternal twins.

The important thing is that the conditioning of the environment affects 99% of our actions, and any comprehensive studies have proven this over and over again. People become alcoholics because they do not have a genetic predisposition, but by the influence of their parents or friends. If you abuse a child, abuse often they grow theirs. The fact is, we are emerging, agencies are vulnerable, we are always being influenced, conditioned and changing, to some extent. That "point" is influenced largely by the social identities / ideologies to which we have been conditioned to believe they are immutable (Barkow, Cosmides and Tooby, Pp: 45-89). This particular state of understanding is one that causes paralysis, and there is nothing in nature that supports the conclusion that anything that we cannot today be obsolete in the future, because ...
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