Newspaper Article Analysis

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Newspaper Article Analysis

Newspaper Article Analysis


I have selected a newspaper article from the Wall Street Journal wriiten by Welch: 'No Such Thing as Work-Life Balance' by Cari Tuna and Joann s. Lublin. When I analyzed this article using the elements of reasoning I decided to break the article down into sections.


The focus of the article is on Former General Electric Co. Chief Executive Jack Welch have some blunt words for women climbing the corporate ladder: You may have to choose between taking time off to raise children and reaching the corner office.


Despite the worldwide quest for Work-Life Balance, very few have found an acceptable definition of the concept.


The right balances for you when you are single will be different when you marry, or if you have children; when you start a new career versus when you are nearing retirement.


Our economy now depends on the millions of women who work outside the home, and the vast majority of these women are mothers.


Jack Welch, the legendary former CEO of General Electric Corporation, caused a stir with a comment made in his keynote address at the Society for Human Resource Management conference on 28 June. Welch, who has been married three times, elaborated, saying "We'd love to have more women moving up faster, but they've got to make the tough choices and know the consequences of each one." (Cari and Joann, 2009).


This issue is particularly meaningful to scientists, who find themselves wanting to start families at the same time in their careers when they are expected to have high research output. (Cari and Joann, 2009).


In conclusion it is observed that Jack Welch offered some 'blunt advice for women trying to climb the corporate ladder, you may have to make the tough choice about taking time off to raise your children and reaching the corner office.

Implications & Consequences

I would suggest that Mr. Welch orders himself a copy of the recent white paper from the National Council For Research on Women which looks at why there are so few women in fund management, as in it is a long list of reasons for why so few women and work-life balance issues is just one of the many and way to overused.


Cari Tuna and Joann s. Lublin, 2009, Welch: 'No Such Thing as Work-Life Balance', retrieved on January 27-2010:


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