Nurse Coping Procedure

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Nurse Coping Procedure


Reactions nurses Mental Health presented to the challenges they face every day in their daily work are very diverse. Schematically we can say that when people perceive a situation as a response applicant can react in two basic forms: thinking skills to cope with the situation or think they do not have successful strategies to cope. Depending on how the person perceives itself more or less capable, it can trigger the autonomic nervous system and have a stress response. The consequences of the second perception, in the long term are benefiting neither the professional nor the purpose of his work.

Coping strategies can be defined as the attitudes, behaviors and even thoughts that people use to respond, as well as possible, at the request of a situation. Lazarus and Folkman defined as the cognitive and behavioral processes 3 that people develop to respond to the demands of different situations. From this point of view can be healthier coping responses or beneficial and dysfunctional, as it does not help the perceived professional satisfaction.

There are several ways of classifying coping strategies. All fall into and maladaptive coping strategies. Adaptive are those who manage to reduce stress and improve the response, decreasing the negative emotional reaction, whether they solve the problem. There are studies that relate coping strategies with variables of satisfaction and dispositional optimism, physical health, psychological well-being or dissatisfaction and burnout syndrome, These strategies are acquired in To the extent that professionals are formed and trained to the demands of everyday life.

On the other hand, the continuing education of nurses is a protective factor against the feelings of inadequacy and off the stress response. To the extent that the nurse acquires knowledge, attitudes and skills are perceived as more capable. There are several studies linking the continuing education of professionals with good practice, with the optimism in the workplace 15.16 and the appropriate response to professional challenges. In this context of attitudes and skills training in nurse stands Mental Health as a health tool with specific characteristics.

However, the nature of health personnel is such that you need professionals who can and want to care for and use their talents in reducing the need for others. Therefore, the clinical relationship has become more complex, yet morally complete. Currently, patients demands and demand increasingly more information as the cultural level of the population increased and are aware of the rights and duties of patients, and if they do not know is the duty nurse to inform you of this fact.

Dealing with Illness

The nurse whether healthy or sick person has not been sufficiently addressed. It does not happen the same way with the doctor-patient relationship which is treated with some frequency. In fact, some health professionals believe that the doctor-patient case and nurse being healthy or sick are the same, and declare that there is no difference between them. However, despite sharing the same object of study and common areas for the exercise of each profession does not have the same content or ...
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