One Sample T-Test Report Assignment

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One Sample t-test Report Assignment

One Sample t-test Report Assignment

Section I - Data File Description

In this assignment we want to calculate a One-Sample t-test for the sample of scores for IQ from our data set and a known population with a mean of 100. Although the standard deviation is typically known for intelligence tests, not all tests have converted performances into standard scores with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15.

We also calculate a Shapiro-Wilks W test of normality for the sample of scores for the IQ variable.


•ADDSC - The average of the three ADD-like behavior scores obtained in elementary school.

•SEX - 1 = male; 2 = female.

•REPEAT - 1 = repeated at least one grade; 0 = did not repeat a grade.

•IQ - IQ obtained from a group-administered IQ test.

•ENGL - grade of English in ninth degree: 1 = school prep; 2 = general; 3 = remedial.

•ENGG - Grade in English in ninth grade: 4 = A; 3 = B; and so on.

•GPA - Grade point average in ninth grade.

Sample size

A total number of 88 people took part in this study and there was not any missing value in the data set.

Section II - Assumptions, Data Screening, and Verification of Assumptions

One sample t-test is a statistical method that is utilised to understand the signify distinction between the sample and the renowned worth of the population mean. In one sample t-test, we understand the population mean. We draw a random sample from the population and then contrast the sample signify with the population signify and make a statistical conclusion as to if or not the sample signify is distinct from the population. In one sample dimensions, sample dimensions should be less than 30. For demonstration, we can use this when we take a sample from the town and we understand the signify of the homeland (population mean). If we desire to understand if the town signify disagrees from the homeland signify and we desire to contrast the two entails, we will use the statistical test renowned as the one sample t-test. (

Assumptions in One experiment t-test:

   1. In one sample t-test, reliant variables should be commonly distributed.

   2. In one experiment t-test, experiments drawn from the community should be random. (

   3. In one sample t-test, situations of the samples should be independent.

   4. ...
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