Organic Food And Vegetable

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Organic Food and Vegetable


Organic foods are normally grown without any pesticides, herbicides and insecticide or any fertilizer on any grown food or vegetable. The OFPA(Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 regulation states that the integrating how it is cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance and conserve biodiversity. So basically OFPA has administers national production, handling, and labeling standards (Crinnion 15).


In today's society people in general are leaning to organic foods and vegetables as a way of life enough the cost may be expensive but they are getting the quality of food that is nutritious to the body. The demand and supply of this era has faced a lot of emphasis of what people are eating or consume in the body. People are spending more time to gravitate to healthier lifestyle due to the fact there are so many complications with different diseases to the body (The Hartman Group 45).

By eating organic food as certified by FDA, it is labeled to be authentic and beneficial to the market as several studies have made known. There are advantages and disadvantages of organic food and vegetable is that it gives more nutrient and vitamins to the body as compared to process foods. One of the concerns that consumers relies on is the price and the affordability of organic foods in nearby supermarkets or grocery stores. Studies have shown that organic food and vegetable has helped cancer and other related illness over a long period of time (Organic consumers Association 90). It has improved healthier life styles including exercising and drinking lots of fluid daily.

Organic food and vegetables have been the main focus for America otherwise labeled as “certified organic” especially in Whole Foods grocery store. It is the cutting edge grocery for organic foods. The Davis researchers found that organic and otherwise sustainably grown fruits and vegetables contained significantly higher levels of both ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and a wide range of polyphones. The organic demand and supply has placed emphasis from the beginning of the nineteenth century on the macronutrients- protein, carbohydrate and fat. (The Omnivore's Dilemma Davis researchers have also observed that the fertility of the soil makes a difference in the growth of organic food especially the farmers who are selling at wholesale to the supermarkets. Knowingly, the demand has increase over the years and people are concentrating on their health issues.

As we study the importance the organic food we will see that the process takes less than process foods and it is healthier (Miranda 1). The inspiration of organic was to find a way to feed ourselves more in keeping with the logic of nature, to build a food system that looked more like an ecosystem that would draw its fertility and energy from the sun. By eating organic products it will give us many more years to our lives.

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