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Investigative question: Can dramatherapy be effectively used in a township setting with black12 earlyadolescents thirteen to fifteen years old), who have been traumatised through he loss of both parents, to promote healing?

Preliminary questions: Awareness of the dilemma of the impact of trauma on mankind has been acknowledged since the fall of man (Andersen-Warren & Grainger, 2000:13). Great strides were made in understanding trauma and healing in the twentieth century, particularly with the understanding of the human brain in psychology. Various theories and disciplines in psychology developed in an attempt to fulfil the need to understand the human brain and to heal problems related to it. It could be said that the theories of Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) were the most influential and catalytic in establishing the 'talking cure' (Wiener, 1999: xi). The challenge then arose in applying the healing disciplines that evolved from Freud's beginnings to different cultural groups and with different ages, financial backgrounds, ethnicity and social backgrounds (Lewis & Johnson, 2000:6-31).

Provide a clear statement of research question(s)?

Problems and conflicts that are hard to solve in ordinary life may find a solution (or at least explore several options) in dramatic reality. As Jennings (1998) claims, even the mere formulation of hypotheses is an act of dramatic imagination, for it requires an ability to frame ideas in the context of an as if reality. Thus, practicing, rehearsing, and exploring are always a possibility in dramatic reality. In the Book of Life metaphor, dramatic reality has the quality of a draft that can be always worked and re-worked; in the World's a Stage analogy, it has the status of a rehearsal. These features grant dramatic reality a remarkable therapeutic potential as a testing ground for any behavior, expression of emotions, or ideas. Moreno (1972) already pointed to this direction when he defined the function of drama in psychodrama as

an extension of life and action rather than its imitation, but where there is imitation the emphasis is not on that it imitates, but upon the opportunity of recapitulation of unsolved problems within a freer, broader and more flexible social setting. (…). Within the infinite number of imaginary worlds life itself appears as but one strained variety. The patient-actor is like a refugee who suddenly shows new strength because he has set foot into a freer and broader world (p. 15-16).

Demonstrate significance to the field of drama therapy?

Drama therapy is one of the several expressive or creative arts therapies, among which are art therapy, bibliotherapy, dance/movement therapy, music therapy, poetry therapy and psychodrama. Drama therapy concerns a relationship between a therapist and a client or clients who attempt to make sense of their life experience as they engage partly or fully in a creative process, in this case through the media of drama and theatre. These media include, but are not limited to, storytelling and storymaking, role-playing and role-reversal, improvisation, mask and puppet play, sandplay, play therapy, rehearsal and theatrical performance. The clients are the ones who work toward making sense ...
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