Panic Attacks- Use Of Homeopathic Medicines Vs Medicines

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Panic Attacks- Use of Homeopathic Medicines Vs Medicines

Panic is a state of the mind in which there is a mix of emotional and behavioral mechanisms. This leads to unpleasant feelings of agitation, worry and fear. The most common cause of panic is stress but there is no way in which stress can be completely avoided in life. There are times when stress and panic are helpful to us in dealing with a particular situation but when it intensifies so much that the same tries to interfere with our decision-making abilities, then it is time to go for treatment. But instead of going for panic treatment based on allopathic methods, it is advisable to opt for homeopathic methods.

When panic starts to elevate into depression, then it is high time that you start looking out for panic treatment methods. The allopathic methods would recommend the usage of strong medications which have myriad side-effects like Prozac. But all these medications seldom seem to help as the number of side-effects that are brought on by these panic treatment modes far outweigh the benefits. Rather than going for these modes, it is always better to try out natural remedies which are sans side-effects as well as quick to affect the body in a better way.

Panic is a complex disorder and there are a number of degrees of the same. Similar to depression where there are a number of types, panic is also divided into different types and categories. As a result, there is a wide variety of panic treatment methods which may work on one person while being totally non-effective on the other. Rather than taking a whole truck-load of complex medicines which are going to have extensive side-effects on your body, the first natural method of panic treatment is exercising. This method of treatment is helpful in strengthening the body and its various parts while also clearing away depression and panic. Considered as one of the best methods of panic treatment, exercise is a method where there is no side-effect and thus, can be continued for as long as one wants.

Homeopathy developed during the late 18th century, a time when physicians knew little about disease. They treated most illnesses with bleeding, powerful laxatives (cathartics), drugs that caused vomiting (emetics), and mercury, which had been shown effective against syphilis and had evolved into a treatment for just about everything. These medications were called “heroic measures,” but the heroism was entirely on the part of patients, many of whom suffered more from these now-thoroughly discredited treatments than from their illnesses.

One victim of heroic medicine was George Washington. In 1799, the 67-year-old ex-President developed a sore throat. He probably had a cold or possibly strep throat, nothing serious. Washington's physicians bled him of two quarts of blood, leaving him anemic, weak, and dehydrated, then gave him cathartics and mercury. He was dead within 12 hours. Not treating him at all would have been better.

One 18th century German doctor, Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), became so disgusted with heroic ...
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