Parents Of Autistic Children

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Parents of Autistic Children


The study focuses on the experiences of parents of autistic children with respect to different aspects of life. The study highlights the experiences of parents who suffer from a range of problems such as sleeping disorders, loss of appetite and self-esteem to legislation support. Furthermore, the research also explains essential concepts of autism and its causes, as well.

Parents of Autistic Children


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neuro developmental disorder characterized by impairments in socialization, limitations in communication, and the presence of restricted and repetitive behaviours and/or interests. Autisms are a spectrum of disorders because the symptoms can occur in a variety of combinations and present with varying degrees of severity. Each child with ASD is unique and requires intervention tailored to meet his or her needs. To achieve the best possible outcomes for children with ASD, care needs to involve the child and the family, and intervention needs to include minimizing stressors associated with caring for a child with ASD and maximizing support available to families. Following an introduction to ASD, this entry focuses on caring for an autistic child in the context of the family and highlights several specific stressors commonly encountered by families. Emphasis is on the importance of alleviating these stressors and providing family support to ensure optimal family functioning.

Thesis Statement

There is a significant impact on lives of parents who have autistic children.


Causes of Autism

Many autistic children clearly deviates from the norm since early childhood, others are developing properly to 18, and even to 36 months of age, and as a result of a specific response factor may be vaccinations, early epilepsy, traumatic situation (e.g., hospitalization), the disease requires administration of antibiotics can lead to onset of symptoms of autism, the clinical picture is very diverse and relates to the level of cognitive development child's sensory reception, the nature and intensity of the symptoms and the accompanying additional problems. Despite years of research, carried out comparative analyzes and research-intensive, it is not known and no specific single cause of autism.

Chemical and biochemical causes

Researchers believe that the cause of autism is directly related to changes in serotonin levels, which occurs in all parts of the brain and blood - in platelets. 40% of autistic children have elevated levels of serotonin in the blood. These disorders can lead to problems with communication and social interaction, which are a consequence of the system of balance disorders and the mechanism. A deficiency of melatonin (a hormone produced by the pineal gland) causes further sleep disturbances (McCarthy, 2009). A study also found that the dendrites of nerve cells in the new cortex are deformed, which contributes directly to the problems associated with cognitive and behavior of children with autism. Dr. Rim land B. indicates that the causes of autism should be sought in specific foods (mainly wheat-flour, milk, and sugar, salt), preservatives, artificial dyes, flavour improvers, which cause allergic reactions in the nervous system leading to the child's brain inflammation and, consequently, the occurrence of ...
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